and in a large part of the work fifty, have been averaged.
This is sufficient to give a clear preponderance in
the results to those characteristics which are really
permanent tendencies in the rhythmical expression.
This is especially true in virtue of the fact that
throughout these experiments the subject underwent
preliminary training until the series of reactions
could be easily carried out, before any record of the
process was taken. But when such material is
analyzed in larger and smaller series of successive
groups the number of reactions on which each average
is based becomes reduced by one half, three quarters,
and so on. In such a case the prevailing intensive
relations are liable to be interfered with and transformed
by the following factor of variation. When a
wrong intensity has accidentally been given to a particular
reaction there is observable a tendency to compensate
the error by increasing the intensity of the following
reaction or reactions. This indicates, perhaps,
the presence of a sense of the intensive value of the
whole group as a unity, and an attempt to maintain
its proper relations unchanged, in spite of the failure
to make exact cooerdination among the components.
But such a process of compensation, the disappearance
of which is to be looked for in any long series, may
transpose the relative values of the accented elements
in two adjacent groups when only a small number of
reactions is taken into account, and make that seem
to receive the major stress which should theoretically
receive the minor, and which, moreover, does actually
receive such a minor stress when the value of the
whole group is regarded, and not solely that member
which receives the formal accentuation.
The quantitative analysis of intensive relations begins
with triple rhythms, since its original object was
to compare the relative stresses of the unaccented
elements of the rhythmic group. These values
for the three forms separately are given in Table XXII.,
in which the value of the accented element in each
case is represented by unity.
Rhythm. 1st Beat. 2d Beat. 3d
Dactylic, 1.000 0.436 0.349
Amphibrachic, 0.488 1.000 0.549
Anapaestic, 0.479 0.484 1.000
The dactylic form is characterized by a progressive
decline in intensity throughout the series of elements
which constitute the group. The rate of decrease,
however, is not continuous. There is a marked
separation into two grades of intensity, the element
receiving accentual stress standing alone, those which
possess no accent falling together in a single natural
group, as shown in the following ratios: first
interval to third, 1.000:0.349; second interval to
third, 1.000:0.879. One cannot say, therefore,
that in such a rhythmic form there are two quantities
present, an accented element and two undifferentiated