Harvard Psychological Studies, Volume 1 eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 757 pages of information about Harvard Psychological Studies, Volume 1.

Harvard Psychological Studies, Volume 1 eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 757 pages of information about Harvard Psychological Studies, Volume 1.


Twenty movements of each kind for each subject.  Averages in seconds.

In Opposite Directions.

Subj.  L.-R.  Ret.  R.-L.  Ret.  U.-D.  Ret.  D.-U.  Ret.

B.    1.82           2.90           2.10           2.27
0.86           0.87           0.73           0.86
G.    3.02           2.86           2.68           2.63
1.98           2.25           1.63           2.01
H.    9.18          10.30           7.50           7.15
5.16           6.90           5.36           5.21
I.    4.17           3.52           3.40           3.37
1.26           1.47           1.23           1.31
J.    2.17           2.90           2.87           2.27
1.05           1.63           1.02           1.13
K.    5.51           6.43           5.16           4.81
1.43           1.48           1.20           1.23
Ave.    4.32           4.82           3.82           3.75
1.96           2.43           1.87           1.96

Average of all movements involving separation (480), 4.18.  Returns, 2.06.

In Same Direction.

Subj.  R. Ret.  L. Ret.  U. Ret.  D. Ret.

B.    1.31           1.22           1.30           1.11
0.72           0.67           0.72           0.85
G.    2.66           2.35           3.01           2.53
2.00           1.86           2.22           1.86
H.    8.45           7.91           5.66           7.66
6.53           5.95           5.96           6.11
I.    2.57           2.27           2.13           2.05
0.97           1.26           1.00           1.13
J.    1.11           1.16           1.08           11.5
0.68           0.90           0.73           0.71
K.    3.97           3.91           3.60           4.07
1.35           1.50           1.75           1.71
Ave.    3.33           3.14           2.79           3.10
2.04           2.02           2.04           2.06

Average of all movements together (480), 3.09.  Returns, 2.04.


There were nineteen hundred and twenty movements in all, including the returns to the original positions.

In the order of difficulty as shown by the time taken, the movements stand as follows, the numbers being the averages in seconds for one hundred and twenty movements of each kind: 

1.  Right and left (i.e., crossing), 4.82 sec. 2.  Left and right, 4.32 " 3.  Up and down, 3.82 " 4.  Down and up, 3.75 " 5.  Both right, 3.33 " 6.  Both left, 3.14 " 7.  Both down, 3.10 " 8.  Both up, 3.04 "


Project Gutenberg
Harvard Psychological Studies, Volume 1 from Project Gutenberg. Public domain.