The Psychology of Management eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 318 pages of information about The Psychology of Management.

The Psychology of Management eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 318 pages of information about The Psychology of Management.

Preferable name of the third type of management.—­The name “Ultimate” has, especially to the person operating under the transitory stage, all the charm and inspiration of a goal.  It has all the incentives to accomplishment of a clearly circumscribed task.  Its very definiteness makes it seem possible of attainment.  It is a great satisfaction to one who, during a lifetime of managing effort, has tried one offered improvement after another to be convinced that he has found the right road at last.  The name is, perhaps, of greatest value in attracting the attention of the uninformed and, as the possibilities of the subject can fulfill the most exacting demands, the attention once secured can be held.

The name “measured functional” is the most descriptive, but demands the most explanation.  The principle of functionalization is one of the underlying, fundamental principles of Scientific Management.  It is not as necessary to stop to define it here, as it is necessary to discuss the definition, the principle, and the underlying psychology, at length later.

The name “scientific” while in some respects not as appropriate as are any of the other names, has already received the stamp of popular approval.  In derivation it is beyond criticism.  It also describes exactly, as has been said, the difference between the older forms of management and the new.  Even its “fringe” of association is, or at least was when first used, all that could be desired; but the name is, unfortunately, occasionally used indiscriminately for any sort of system and for schemes of operation that are not based on time study.  It has gradually become identified more or less closely with

    1. the Taylor Plan of Management
    2. what we have defined as the “Transitory” plan of
    3. management which not only is not striving to be
       scientific, but which confounds “science” with “system.” 
       Both its advocates and opponents have been guilty of
       misuse of the word.  Still, in spite of this, the very fact
       that the word has had a wide use, that it has become
       habitual to think of the new type of management as
       “Scientific,” makes its choice advisable.  We shall use it,
       but restrict its content.  With us “Scientific Management”
       is used to mean the complete Taylor plan of management,
       with no modifications and no deviations.

    We may summarize by saying that: 

1. the popular name is Scientific Management, 2. the inspiring name is Ultimate management, 3. the descriptive name is measured Functional management, 4. the distinctive name is the Taylor Plan of Management.

For the purpose of this book, Scientific Management is, then, the most appropriate name.  Through its use, the reader is enabled to utilize all his associations, and through his study he is able to restrict and order the content of the term.

Project Gutenberg
The Psychology of Management from Project Gutenberg. Public domain.