TRANSITORY MANAGEMENT FUNCTIONALIZES.—Under Transitory Management, management becomes gradually more and more functionalized. With separated outputs and separate records, the worker’s capabilities become apparent, and he can be assigned to the standardized positions which gradually evolve. Every recognition of individuality carries with it a corresponding functionalization of men and work.
FUNCTIONALIZATION A FUNDAMENTAL OF SCIENTIFIC MANAGEMENT.—With Scientific Management comes the realization that with close study and with functionalization only, can that provision and assignment of the work which is best for both work and worker be obtained. The principle is applied to every part of management, and results in
1. separating the planning from the performing. 2. functionalizing foremen. 3. functionalizing workers. 4. assigning competent workers to fitting work.
SEPARATING THE PLANNING FROM THE PERFORMING.—The emphasis on separating the planning from the performing in Scientific Management cannot be over-estimated. It is a part of Dr. Taylor’s fourth principle of Scientific Management, “Almost equal division of the work and the responsibility between the management and the workmen."[10] The greatest outputs can be achieved to the greatest benefit to managers and men when the work is divided, the management undertaking that part of the work that it is best fitted to do, the workmen performing that part which they are best fitted to do.
THE WORK OF THE PLANNING DEPARTMENT.—It has been determined by actual experience that the line of division most agreeable to the managers and the workmen and most productive of cooeperation by both, as well as most efficient in producing low costs, is that which separates the planning from the performing. Under Scientific Management the Planning Department relieves the man of determining—