The Psychology of Management eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 318 pages of information about The Psychology of Management.

The Psychology of Management eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 318 pages of information about The Psychology of Management.
  cooeperation under measurement of, 116.
  development through records, 39.
  effect of analysis and synthesis on, 138.
  effect of functionalization upon, 85.
  effect of measurement upon, 114.
  given planning if he likes it, 80.
  hardship of individual planning to, 79.
  making of records by, 40.
  observed, qualifications of, 103.
  observed, securing cooeperation of, 102.
  place under scientific management, 62.
  position under traditional management, 60.
  records made by, 187.
  relation to process of analysis, 129.
  relation to standardization, 164.
  relieved of planning if he dislikes it, 80,
  rest periods for, 169.
  result of incentives on, 310.
  result of individuality upon, 47.
  result of programme on, 195, 206.
  result of records to, 189, 206.
  results of standardization to, 174.
  results of teaching on, 266.
  result of welfare on, 330.
  rewards of, 285.
  selection under scientific management, 32.
  selection under traditional management, 24.
  untrained, teaching of, 232.
  variables of, 28. 
Working models, value of, 226.

Project Gutenberg
The Psychology of Management from Project Gutenberg. Public domain.