Schloss, David F.—“Methods of Industrial
Remuneration,” 75, 289.
Scientific management, appreciation by psychologists
of, 93.
athletic contests under, 34.
brotherhood under, 328.
change in mental attitude under, 89.
contentment under, 327.
definition of, 6, 12.
derivation of, 17.
development of men under, 87.
disciplining under, 70.
divisions of, 16.
duties of foremen under, 64.
emulation under, 258.
final results of, 331.
functionalization under, 6, 81.
importance of teaching under, 215.
incentives under, 279.
individual task under, 43,
measurement under, 97.
methods of measurement under, 105.
opportunities in, 4.
place of workers under, 62.
provision for specialists under, 86.
provides for same detailed planning by
all, 80.
place of analysis and synthesis in, 125.
possibility of prophecy under, 195.
promotion of men under, 87.
relation of all parts of, 242.
relation to imagination, 248.
relation to individuality, 27.
relation to individual records, 42.
relation to industrial peace, 331.
relation to invention, 136.
relation to memory, 245.
relation to profit snaring, 297.
relation to traditional management, 218.
relation to welfare, 320.
rewards under, 184, 280.
results in loyalty, 253.
selection of workers under, 32.
standardization under, 147.
stimulation of pride by, 259.
supplements demanded by, 29.
teaching of apprentices under, 262.
teaching of journeymen under, 262.
training of will under, 261.
transference of knowledge under, 117.
underlying ideas of, 16.
use of ambition by, 258.
use of curiosity, 255.
use of imitation, 256.
utilization of “all round”
men under, 87.
utilization of one-talent men by, 86.
vocabulary, interest of, 8.
vocabulary, poverty, 7.
“will to do” under, 328.
Self control, development of, 326.
Sense training, importance of, 228.
methods of, 230.
scope of, 231.
Short time job, provision for, 82.
Smith, Adam—“Wealth of Nations,”
84, 179.
Soldiering, disadvantages of, 274.
Specialists, provision under scientific management
for, 86.
Specializing, encouraged under scientific management,
Speed boss, duties of, 74.
Square deal, need for, 315.
Squareness, under scientific management, 327.
Standards, derivation of, 139.
effect of, 168.
relation to automatic response, 239.
relation to habit, 235.
relation to incentive, 140, 257.
relation to “judgment,” 141.
relation to phrasing, 158.
relation to psychology, 142.
relations to systems, 145.
relation to task, 140.
result of measurement, 147.
“Standard amount,” definition of, 98.
Standard clothing, 167.
Standard man, definition of, 152.