STEREOSCOPIC AND MICRO-MOTION STUDY PHOTOGRAPHS PARTICULARLY USEFUL.—Stereoscopic photographs are especially useful in helping non-visualizers, and in presenting absolutely new work. The value as an educator of stereoscopic and synthesized micro-motion photographs of right methods is as yet but faintly appreciated.
The “timed motion picture,” or “micro-motion study photograph” as it is called, consists of rapidly photographing workers in action accompanied by a specially constructed chronometer that shows such minute divisions of time that motion pictures taken at a speed that will catch the most rapid of human motions without a blur, will show a different time of day in each photograph. The difference in the time in any two pictures gives the elapsed time of the desired motion operation or time unit.
SELF-MADE RECORDS EDUCATIVE.—The educative value of the worker’s making his own records has never been sufficiently appreciated. Dr. Taylor insists upon this procedure wherever possible.[6] Not only does the worker learn from the actual marking in of the spaces reserved for him, but also he learns to feel himself a part of the record making division of the management. This proof of the “square deal,” in recording his output, and of the confidence in him, cannot fail to enlist his cooeperation.
ORAL INSTRUCTION COMES FROM THE FUNCTIONAL FOREMEN.—The Functional Foremen are teachers whose business it is to explain, translate and supplement the various written instructions when the worker either does not understand them, does not know how to follow them, or makes a mistake in following them.
ORAL INSTRUCTION HAS ITS FITTING PLACE UNDER SCIENTIFIC MANAGEMENT.—Oral instruction under Scientific Management has at least four advantages over such instruction under Traditional Management.
1. The Instructor is
capable of giving instruction.
2. The Instructor’s
specialty is giving instruction.
3. The instruction is
a supplement to written instructions.
4. The instruction comes
at the exact time that the learner
needs it.
TEACHER, OR FUNCTIONAL FOREMAN, SHOULD UNDERSTAND PSYCHOLOGY AND PEDAGOGY.—The successful teacher must understand the minds of his men, and must be able to present his information in such a way that it will be grasped readily. Such knowledge of psychology and pedagogy as he possesses he may acquire almost unconsciously
1. from the teaching of others,
2. from his study of Instruction
Cards and Systems,
3. from actual practice in
The advantages of a study of psychology itself, as it applies to the field of teaching in general, and of teaching in the industries in particular, are apparent. Such study must, in the future, become more and more prevalent.
ADVANTAGE OF FUNCTIONAL FOREMAN-TEACHER OVER TEACHER IN THE SCHOOLS.—The Functional Foreman-teacher has an advantage over the teacher in the school in that the gap between him and those he teaches is not so great. He knows, because he remembers, exactly how the worker must have his information presented to him. This gap is narrowed by functionalizing the oral teaching, by using it merely as a supplement to the written teaching, and by supplementing it with object-lessons.