A Very Pleasaunt & Fruitful Diologe Called the Epicure eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 41 pages of information about A Very Pleasaunt & Fruitful Diologe Called the Epicure.

A Very Pleasaunt & Fruitful Diologe Called the Epicure eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 41 pages of information about A Very Pleasaunt & Fruitful Diologe Called the Epicure.
selfe in al thynges, too bee a faithful subiect.  Furthermore, it is clearer then the light (most vertuous prince) that it woulde make muche for the weale of this noble realme, yf all me with heart and mynde, would nowe as well expulse the pernitious and deuelyshe doctryne af that Romishe bishop, as his name is blotted i bookes.  There is none so ignoraunt, but he knoweth that, thorough hym we were brought into a woderful blindnes, thorough hym we did sauer of nothyng, but of stynkyng Ydolatry, through hym we were deceiued with || false Ypocrisie.  Now let euery blind stiffe hearted, and obstinate creature compare his abhomination with the gospell, and if he be not shameles, he will abashe to smell of his papistrie, and to walow still in ignoraunce, vn lest he bee priuely confederate and in heart consent with the detestable felowship of al wicked papistes.  Now would God all suche men would reduce ageyn their heartes vnto ye gospell of Christ, would god they would bee prouoked by some meane to desire knowledge.  O that god woulde yeoue them a couragious mynde too reade the gospel, there they shal sone fynde all the venoume of the romishe sort most playnely detected.  Forsoth wee see dayly, that lacke of knowledge of the gospel maketh some busserdes runne hedlong on all rockes, daungers, & extreme perilles:  yea, and beside that, olde popysh doctryne whiche lyeth folded vp & locked faste in their heartes, doeth so sore blynd the that they haue neither fauour ne affectio too printe in their myndes, the expressed coucels, admonitions, and || preceptes of the holy scripture, but too slepe stil in their owne conceites, dreames, & fonde phansies.  Wherfore let your dignitie note well this, that all those whiche bee not wyllyng that gods woord should bee knowen, and that blyndenes should be clean expulsed from all men, whiche be baptised in ye blessed bludde of Christ, bewray themselues playne papistes:  for in very deede that most deceatful wolfe and graund maister papist with his totiens quotiens, and a pena et culpa blesseth all suche as will bee blynde stil, maintaine his pope, drinke of his cuppe of fornication, trust in his pardounes, liue in popery, ypocrisie, and danable ydolatrie, shut vp the kingdome of heauen, & neuer regarde the gospel.  Cotrarie too this, christ bi his holy Prophete calleth al those blessed that seke for his testimonies, al those his elect & chose childre, which turne fro synne, ypocrisie, & ydolatrie, all those goddes that heare his word, yea, & breuely, al those which set it forward honorable me. & in this puincte your grace shoulde euer beare in mynde, || that noble and vertuous kyng Hezekiah, whiche shewed hymselfe very honorable in settig forward ye woord of God, and therby gotte hym glory and fame immortall, so that nowe he is most highly praysed amongtst all men.  Ageyn his subiectes dyd obey his commaundement feynedly with Ypocrisie, but in their heartes they abhorred gods woord.  O the miserie that dyd afterwarde sodeinly ensue vpon them, O the
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A Very Pleasaunt & Fruitful Diologe Called the Epicure from Project Gutenberg. Public domain.