they be openly accursed by the scriptures of Christ.
God him self playnely affirmeth, that he wyll sodenly
consume them with the breath of his anger. Yea,
besides that whoso euer declyneth from the word of
God is accursed in all his doynges, whether he be Kyng,
or Prynce, riche, or poore, or of what estate soeuer
he bee. This fearfull saiyng (most excellent
Prynce) shulde moue all men to take hede vnto their
duties and to praie that gods word maie take place
emogist vs. O that al men would ||fantasie the
scriptures of God, and saye with the vertuous man
Iob. Wee will not bee ageynst the woordes of the
holy one. Truth it is, God taketh diligent care
too haue vs al know his woord. Woulde God therfore,
that all wee were now willing to haue the syncere
woorde of God & all holsom doctrine too go forward.
O that all we would consent togither in the Gospell,
brotherly admonishyng, and secretelye prouokyng one
an other too true religion & vertue. O that no
man would sow emongist the people pernitious doctryne,
but with all lowly diligece and Godlye monition euer
prouoke, tempt, and stere them, tyll their heartes
were remoued fro their olde dautyng dreames and supersticio,
which haue been long grafted in them thorow popyshe
doctrine. By this meane wee shuld euer haue concorde
emongist vs, whiche in all thynges is necessary, but
most nedefull and expedient in Gods holi woord.
Now truely the godlyest thynge that can bee deuysed,
for any christian realme, is to haue emongist them
one maner and || fourme of doctryne, & too trace trueli
the steppes of God and neuer to seeke any other bywayes.
Who hath not redde in ye scriptures? but that realme
is endued with godly ornamentes & riches, where all
men prospere, go for ward and florishe in gods woord,
delectyng day and night in the swete cosolations of
the holy testament. By this way we shuld especially
set forth the glory of God, and of our sauiour Iesu
Christ, if we would reuerently shew one an other that
whiche God hath taught vs. Yea & in this doyng
all men shulde well perceaue that we were the true
disciples of Christ, being knitte and coupled fast
together in mynde and iudgement, preachyng God with
one mouth and also with one assent euer promotyng
his gloryous testament. O the good happe and
grace of that king or prynce emongist whose subiectes
there is such an hole consent and iudgement in the
woord of God, for that most assuredly byndeth & adiuigneth
ye hartes of al subiectes too their kyng. The
strength of the Gospell is euen suche in this puincte,
|| that there was neuer man, which did humily receaue
it, that would murmour ageynst his Prince. It
teacheth how wyllyngly all men shulde obey their kyng.
It sheweth verye lyuely and most apertly vnto euery
man his ful dutie. It euer prouoketh vs from all
wicked, cursed, and most obstinate disobedience.
It euer instructeth men too shewe them selues most
lowly, humile, and obesaunt toward their Prynce.
Whosoeuer hath tasted fully therof, will declare hym