A Very Pleasaunt & Fruitful Diologe Called the Epicure eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 41 pages of information about A Very Pleasaunt & Fruitful Diologe Called the Epicure.

A Very Pleasaunt & Fruitful Diologe Called the Epicure eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 41 pages of information about A Very Pleasaunt & Fruitful Diologe Called the Epicure.
swete musike or harmonie, that any honest hart exceadinglye woulde reioyce in the sight therof.  Verely, your grace thinketh plainly all time lost, that is not bestowed vpon learnyng, which is a verie rare thyng in anye childe, and rarest of all in a Prince.  Thus youre noblenes, rather desireth vertue and ||A.iii.|| learning the most surest and excellent treasures, which farre surmounte all worldly ryches, then anye vanities or trifles.  Nowe youre grace prepareth for the holsome and pleasaunt foode of the mynde.  Now you seke for that whiche you shal fynd most surest helper and faythfulst councellour in all your affaires.  Now your magnificet mynde studieth that, whiche all Englyshe menne with meke and humile heartes shuld desire god to endue your grace with all.  Now with diligent labour you searche for a thyng, as one most myndeful of this saiyng:  Happy is that realme that hath a lerned Prince.  Nowe you trauaile for that, whiche conquereth, and kepeth doune all greuous tourmentes & outragious affections of the mynde, too the furderaunce of good liuyng, and maintenauce of vertue, I meane holsome erudition and learnyng.  Many Heathen Princes forsoth, are highly magnified with most ample prayses, which gaue them selues too the study of Philosophie, or knowledge of tongues, for their owne commoditie, and || especially for the weale of their subiectes.  Who is nowe more celebrated and worthelier extolled then Mithridates? that noble kyng of Pont and Bithinia, which, (as Aulus Gellius writeth) vnderstoode so perfitly the languages of .xxii. sondrye countries that were vnder his dominio, that he neuer vsed any interpretour too answer his subiectes, but spake their laguages so finelye, as thoughe he had been of the same coutrie.  Ageyn, that honorable manne Quintus Ennius saied:  that he had .iii. heartes, because he coulde speake Greke, Italian, and Latin.  Yea, and breuely, the most famaus writers, as well the Heathen, as the Christien, with an vniuersall consent, playnly affirme:  Whan thei had weied the nature and condicio of the purest thinges vnder heauen, thei sawe nothyng faire, or of any pryce, or that ought too be accopted ours, but onely vertue and learning.  Euen now too acknowledge that same, it is yeoue you from aboue, for your grace delecteth in nothyng more then too bee occupied in the holye Byble:  wherin, ||A.iiii.|| you beginne too sauer & smelle furth the treasure of wisedome, knowledge and fulnes of the deuyne power, that is a studie most conuenient for euery Christien Prince, that kynd of studye cannot haue sufficient laude and commendation.  Whose Princely heart forsoth, is raueshed on suche a godlie and vertuous studie, it can neuer haue condigne and worthie praises, but deserueth alwaies too bee had in great price, estimation, and honour.  Who dooeth not know? that Prince which is yeouen vnto the scriptures of God and with a stoute stomake and valiat heart, both searcheth furth and also defendeth ye true doctrine of the Gospell, too
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A Very Pleasaunt & Fruitful Diologe Called the Epicure from Project Gutenberg. Public domain.