A Very Pleasaunt & Fruitful Diologe Called the Epicure eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 41 pages of information about A Very Pleasaunt & Fruitful Diologe Called the Epicure.

A Very Pleasaunt & Fruitful Diologe Called the Epicure eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 41 pages of information about A Very Pleasaunt & Fruitful Diologe Called the Epicure.
in foule and beastly lustes. SP. I confesse that. Hedo. But now tell me, whether you thynke the sobre and wyse, which for playn vanities and shadowes of plesure, booth dispice the true and godlye pleasures of the mynde and chose for them selues suche thynges as bee but vexacion & sorowe. SPV. I take it, thei bee not. Hedo. In deede thei bee not druke with wyne, but with loue with anger, with auarice, with ambicion, and other foule and filthie desires, whiche kynde of drunkenes is farre worse, the that is gotten with drinking of wine.  Yet Sirus that leude cospanio ||of whom mention is made in ye commedie, spake witty thynges after he had slepte hym self soobre, and called too memorie his greate and moost beastlye drunkenes:  but the minde that is infected with vicious & noughty desire, hath muche a doo too call it selfe whom agein?  How many yeares doeth loue, anger, spite, sensualitie, excesse, and ambition, trouble and prouoke the mynde?  How many doo wee see, whiche euen from their youth, too their latter dais neuer awake nor repet them of the drunkennes, of ambitio, nigardnes, wanton lust, & riatte? Spu. I haue knowen ouermany of that sorte. Hedo. You haue grauted that false and fayned good || thinges, are not too bee estemed for the pure and godly. Sp. And I affirme that still. Hedo. Nor that there is no true and perfect pleasure, except it bee taken of honest and godly thynges. Spud. I confesse that. He. Then (I pray you) bee not those good that the commune sorte seeke for, they care not howe? Spu. I thinke they be not. Hedo. Surely if thei were good, they would not chaunce but onely too good men:  and would make all those vertuous that they happen vntoo.  What maner of pleasure make you that, doo you thinke it too bee godly, which is not of true & honest thynges, but of deceatfull:  and coometh out of ye shadowes of good thynges? Sp. || Nay in noo wyse. He. For pleasure maketh vs to liue merely. Spu. Yea, nothyng so muche. He. Therfore no man truely liueth pleasauntly, but he that lyueth godly:  that is, whiche vseth and delecteth onli in good thynges:  for vertue of it selfe, maketh a man to habound in all thynges that bee good, perfete, & prayse worthy:  yea, it onely prouoketh God the fountaine of all goodnes, too loue and fauour man. SP. I almost consent with you. HED. But now marke howe far they bee from all pleasure, whiche seeme openly emongist all men too folowe nothyng, but the inordinate delectation in in thynges carnall. || First their mynde is vile, and corrupted with the sauour and taste of noughtie desires, in so muche that if any pleasaunt thing chaunce them, forthwith it waxeth bitter, and is nought set by, in like maner as where ye welle hed is corrupted and stynketh, there ye water must nedes be vnsauery.  Agein ther is no honest pleasure, but that whiche wee receaue with a sobre and a quiet mynde.  For
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A Very Pleasaunt & Fruitful Diologe Called the Epicure from Project Gutenberg. Public domain.