Journal of Landsborough's Expedition from Carpentaria eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 228 pages of information about Journal of Landsborough's Expedition from Carpentaria.

Journal of Landsborough's Expedition from Carpentaria eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 228 pages of information about Journal of Landsborough's Expedition from Carpentaria.

On the 20th Messrs. Bourne, Moore, Frost, and two troopers started up the river on a shooting and land excursion.  I accompanied them to near Frost’s Ponds where the horses were running, and I was glad to find the horses were doing well, as I expected they would do, from the herbage of the plains in that neighbourhood being of the most fattening character.  Late in the evening our sportsmen returned and gave a most glowing description of about eight miles of the plains they had crossed in going to and returning from some waterholes they had found, one of which was within half a mile of the river.  As they made their excursion an exploring rather than a sporting expedition they shot very little, although they saw several wallabies on the plains, and crowds of duck and other aquatic fowl at the waterholes they passed in the course of their walk.

On the 22nd, having made circulars to the effect that the Firefly hulk and the horses (broad arrow before L) were on their way up the river, the latter on the west bank, some of our party landed on the east bank and stuck them up in places where Mr. Walker’s party would probably find them in the event of their passing us and following down that side of the river.  In doing so we went over a fine grassed plain, and in that distance found two waterholes.  On the 24th the blacks paid us a visit and we gave them presents; but afterwards, as they stole some clothes that were out to dry, we determined to give them no further encouragement unless they returned the stolen things.  This Mr. Woods, on the following day, tried to explain to a few of them who swam across the river to the bank that we were alongside of.

When I see naked blacks I am very much tempted to give them clothes and tomahawks; but this should not be indulged for I have found from having done so that the more they have got the more they have wanted; and on the other hand I have found that when they got nothing from us they gave us very little of their company and thus rarely gave us any occasion for quarrelling with them.

On the 27th of October Mr. Campbell and the troopers went on shore and collected the horses and took them up as far as Moore’s Ponds.

From twenty-two observations, chiefly taken during the day, the temperature has ranged from 69 to 89 degrees and averaged a fraction over 80 degrees.  On the 29th we had a few drops of rain which reminded us that we had hardly had any since we started from Brisbane, upwards of a couple of months ago.

My party went in search of the horses yesterday and returned with them today to the place where the ship was aground, a point about fifteen miles in a straight line from the mouth of the river.  The horses were so fresh that to hobble them two of the quietest had to be caught to round with them the others up.  In the ten days that they had been ashore they had improved more in condition than any horses I have seen do in other parts of Australia in a similar period. 

Project Gutenberg
Journal of Landsborough's Expedition from Carpentaria from Project Gutenberg. Public domain.