Turnip, 144, 164, 176, 182, 185, 187, 190, 193
—— Fly or Flea, 422
Turnip-gall Weevil, 437
Turnip-rooted Celery, 51
Underground Onion, 99, 197
Uredo senecionis, 447
Urocystis gladioli, 448
Valerianella olitoria, 53
Vallota purpurea, 353, 372
Vegetable Garden, A Year’s Work in, 151
—— —— Rotation of Crops in, 198
—— Marrow, 147, 176, 182
—— Oyster, 123, 124, 176
Vegetables, The Culture of, 1
Ventilating Greenhouses and Frames, 358
Venus’ Looking-glass, 373, 397
—— Navel-wort, 373
Verbascum, 386
Verbena, 309, 364, 372,,380, 389
Vermin, Garden, Eradication of, 414
—— Traps, 415
Viola, 310, 386
—— tricolor, 282
Violet Diseases, 451
—— Dog’s-tooth, 327, 402
Virginian Stock, 373, 397
Viscaria, 373, 397
Wallflower, 310, 390, 395, 409
Warm Border, 196
Wart Disease of Potatoes, 440
Wasps, 430
Water Cress, 54, 123, 171
Watering Pot Plants, 357
Waxpod Bean, 24
Weeds, 190
Weevil, Turnip-gall, 437
Whitlavia, 373, 397
Wigandia, 311, 372
Windflower, 229, 321
Winter Aconite, 353, 410
—— Broccoli, 31
Winter Cucumber, 58
—— flowering Stock, 301, 394
—— Greens, 171, 176, 187, 193
—— Radish, 120
—— Savory, 70
Wireworm, 43, 330, 381, 431
Witloof, 122
Woodlice, 432
Woolly Aphis, 418
Wormwood, 71
Xeranthemum, 373
Year’s Work in the Vegetable Garden, A, 151
Zea Mays, 80
Zephyranthes Candida, 354, 412
Zinnia, 311, 380, 385, 390, 395
Permanent and Temporary Pastures.
By Martin Sutton, F.L.S.
=Popular edition=. In paper cover, price 1s.
’"Permanent and temporary pastures.”—Mr Martin Sutton speaks with authority on this absorbing subject, and his book should be in the hands of every farmer who desires to make the most of his opportunities; the information it affords is of the utmost practical advantage. Here will be found ample instruction, the results of knowledge acquired by experience and exhaustive experiment.’—Estates Gazette.
* * * * *
Including Cricket Grounds, Putting Greens and Bowling Greens.