—— flowering Stock, 301, 394, 400
—— Flowers from Seeds, 313
Spring-Jack, 431
Spring Snowflake, 339
Sprouting Broccoli, 33, 188
Sprouts, Brussels, 33, 161, 166, 173, 178
Squill, Blue, 348
Stachys tuberifera, 132
Star of Bethlehem, 347
—— Cineraria, 252
—— Primula, 292
—— of the Veldt, 263, 375
Static, 298, 364, 379
Stock, 299
—— Intermediate, 301, 371, 400
—— Spring-flowering, 301, 394, 400
—— Summer-flowering, or Ten-week, 299, 379, 384, 389
—— Winter-flowering, 301, 394
—— Virginian, 373, 397
Stored Bulbs, 413
Storing Roots, 193
Strawberry, 133, 159, 170, 190
—— Alpine, 137, 159, 170
—— Forced, 136
Streptocarpus, 302
—— Wendlandii, 302
‘Stripe’ of Tomato, 444
Sugar Corn, 80, 180
Sultan’s Balsam, 273
Sultan, Sweet, 373, 397
Summer Broccoli, 32
—— Cypress, 274
—— flowering, or Ten-week Stock, 299, 379, 384, 389
—— Savory, 70
—— Snowflake, 339
—— sown Vegetables for Autumn and Winter use, 185, 188
Sunflower, 138, 302, 373, 385
Swan River Daisy, 373, 398
Swede, 147
Sweet Basil, 66
—— Herbs, 64, 168, 174
—— Knotted Marjoram, 67
—— Pea, 303, 371, 373, 379, 400, 406
—— Sultan, 373, 397
—— William, 307, 389
Synchytrium endobioticum, 440
Tagetes, 277
Taraxacum officinale, 60
Tarragon, 71
Temperature of Greenhouses, 358
Tender Annuals, 227
Ten-week Stock, 299, 379, 384, 389
Tetragonia expansa, 131
Tetranychus telarius, 426
Thalictrum, 386
Thrips, 427
Thyme, Common, 71
—— Lemon, 71
Thymus Serpyllum vulgaris, 71
—— vulgaris, 71
Tigridia, 350, 379
Tipula oleracea, 424
Tobacco, 281, 369, 388, 393
Tomato, 123, 138, 159, 164, 171, 181, 190
—— Diseases, 443
Torenia, 308
Tragopogon porrifolius, 124
Traps for Vermin, 415
Trichobasis senecionis, 447
Triteleia uniflora, 350, 409
Tritonia, 350, 411
Tropaeolum, 308, 351
—— canariense, 308, 383
—— majus, 308
—— nanum, 309
—— speciosum, 351
—— tuberosum, 351, 406
Tuberose, 351, 409
Tuberous-rooted Begonia, 238, 323, 360, 366, 391, 401
Tufted Pansy, 310
Tulip, 352, 406, 409, 411
Turban Ranunculus, 348, 370