Ranunculus, 293, 348, 370, 411
Raphanus sativus, 118
Rats, 432
Red Cabbage, 38, 166, 174, 188
—— Spider, 426
Reseda odorata, 279
Rheum hybridum, 120
Rhubarb, 120, 163, 193
Ricinus, 293, 371, 384
Ridge Cucumber, 60, 179, 187
Roman Hyacinth, 337, 399, 404, 408
Root-knot Eelworm, 424, 445
Roots, Storing, 193
Rosemary, 70
Rosmarinus officinalis, 70
Rotation of Crops, 198
Rubbish, Garden, 185
Rudbeckia, 373
Rue, 70
Rumex scutatus, 70
Runner Bean, 22, 178, 183
Ruta graveolens, 70
Sacred Lily, Chinese, 346
Sage, 70
Saintpaulia, 295
Salad, Corn, 53, 122, 161, 185, 189
Salads, 122
Salpiglossis, 295, 371, 373, 398
Salsify, 123, 124, 176, 193
Salvia, 70, 295
Sanvitalia, 373
Saponaria, 373, 397
Satureia hortensis, 70
—— montana, 70
Savory, Summer, 70
—— Winter, 70
Savoy Cabbage, 38, 163, 181
Saxifrage, 386
Scabious, 397
Scale, 426
Schizanthus, 296, 378, 399
Schizoneura lanigera, 418
Scilla, 348, 400, 409
Scorzonera, 125, 170
—— hispanica, 125
Sea Kale, 125, 159, 163, 170, 195
—— —— Beet, 27
Sea Lavender, 298, 364, 379
Seed Sowing in January, 152
Senecio, 297
—— Disease, 447
September work among Flowers, 400
—— —— in the Vegetable Garden, 190
Septoria apii, 442
Shallot, 123, 129, 164, 187
Shrubby Calceolaria, 243, 366
Silene, 298, 373, 397, 400
Silver, or Sea Kale, Beet, 27
Sinapis alba, 92
—— nigra, 92
Siphonophora pisi, 417
Sizes of Pots, 357
Sleepy Disease of Tomato, 444
Slugs, 429
Snails, 430
Snapdragon, 230
Snowdrop, 349, 406
Snowflake, Spring, 339
—— Summer, 339
Soil for Pot Plants, 355
Solanum, 298, 371, 378, 394
—— esculentum, 61
—— Melongena, 61
—— tuberosum, 108
Sorrel, 70, 123
Sparaxis, 338, 406
Sparrows, 106, 282, 326
Spearmint, 68
Spider, Red, 426
Spinach, 130, 159, 164, 170, 176, 185, 187, 192
—— Beet, 132, 170, 176
—— Moth Grub, 187
—— New Zealand, 131, 170, 181
—— Perpetual, 132, 170, 176
Spinacia oleracea, 130
Spirals, 132
Spraying Potatoes, 440
Spring Broccoli, 31