Finocchio, 67
Flageolets, 20, 178
Flea, Cabbage, 422
Florence Fennel, 67
Flower of the West Wind, 354
Flowering Bulbs, Culture of, 317
Flowers all the Year Round, 355
—— from Seeds, Culture of, 216
Fly, Black, 416
—— Blue, 416
—— Cabbage Root, 421
—— Carrot, 419
—— Celery, 51, 419
—— Crane, 424
—— Green, 416
—— Onion, 420
—— Turnip, 422
Foeniculum duke, 67
—— officinale, 66
Forced Strawberries, 136
Forcing in January, 153
Forget-me-not, 280
Foxglove, 262
Fragaria, 133
Frame Cucumber, 55
—— Ground, 160
Freesia, 264, 328, 362, 398, 402
Fritillaria, 326, 328, 402
Fuchsia, 264, 367
Fungicide, 440, 446
Fungus Pests of certain Flowers, 447
—— of certain Garden Plants, 434
Fusarium lycopersici, 444
Gaillardia, 265, 375, 386
Galega officinalis, 386
Garden Beet, 24, 122, 161, 166, 173, 178, 185, 193
—— Crops, Chemistry of, 202
—— Pea, 101, 158, 162, 169, 176, 180, 184, 185, 187, 190, 195
—— Rubbish, 185
—— Vermin, Eradication of, 414
Garlic, 63, 162, 168, 187
Gaura Lindheimeri, 386
Geranium, 265, 368, 393, 399
Gerbera, 266, 399
Gesnera, 266, 362
Geum, 267, 375, 386
Gilia, 373, 397
Gladiolus 267, 329, 368, 376, 382, 393, 402, 4O7,
—— Disease, 448
Globe Artichoke, 4, 153, 160, 165, 172, 188, 194
Glory of the Snow, 325
Gloxinia, 268, 331, 363, 368, 376, 402
Godetia, 269, 373, 397
Good King Henry, 84
Gourd, 63, 180
Grape Hyacinth, 336, 408
Green Fly, 416
Grevillea robusta, 271, 363
‘Grub’, 437
Gypsophila, 373, 386, 398
Half-hardy Annuals, 226
Haltica (Phyllotreta) nemorum, 422
—— oleracea, 422
Hardy Annuals, 226, 364, 372, 380, 396, 407 —— Biennials, 227, 364, 386, 396 —— Perennials, 227, 386
Haricot Bean, 22, 178
Hawkweed, 373
Helianthus annuus, 138, 302
—— tuberosus, 6
Helichrysum, 373
Hemerocallis Kwanso fl. pl., 343
Herbaceous Calceolaria, 240, 374, 391, 395, 401
Herbs, 64, 168, 174
Heterodera radicicola, 424, 445
Heuchera, 386
Hibiscus, 373
Hippeastrum, 229
Hollyhock, 271, 363, 376, 388, 393, 408
—— Disease, 449
Horehound, 67
Horse-radish, 72, 156, 168, 195