Fat and Blood eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 159 pages of information about Fat and Blood.

Fat and Blood eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 159 pages of information about Fat and Blood.

October 16.—­Twenty-two ounces of milk were taken, in divided doses, in twenty-four hours; on the 17th, fifty ounces of milk; on the 18th, the same quantity of milk repeated; massage for half an hour; on the 19th, milk as before; bread-and-butter and egg; massage for an hour and a half; twenty minims of dialyzed iron twice daily; on the 21st, a mutton-chop in addition to the above; massage an hour and fifty minutes.  To-day she passed water for the first time for four years, and the catheter was never again used.  Chloral discontinued, and she slept naturally all night long.  On the 23d, porridge and a gill of cream were added to her former diet; massage three hours daily, and electricity for half an hour, and this was continued until the end of the treatment.  Maltine was now given twice daily.

October 30.—­She is now consuming three full meals daily of fish, meat, vegetables, cream, and fruit, besides two quarts of milk and two glasses of burgundy.  Considerable muscular power is returning in her limbs, which she can now move freely in bed.

November 6.—­Sat in a chair for an hour.  The massage and electricity are being gradually discontinued, and the amount of food lessened.

November 17.—­Walked down-stairs, and went out for a drive, and henceforth she went out daily in a Bath-chair.  She has increased enormously in size, and looks an entirely different person from the wasted invalid of a few weeks ago.

“On November 26 she went to Brighton quite convalescent, and on December 11 came up of her own accord to see me, drove in a hansom to my house, and returned the same afternoon.  She has since remained perfectly strong and well, and has resumed the duties of life and society.

“A somewhat curious phenomenon in this case, which I am unable to account for, was the formation on the anterior surface of the legs, extending from below the patellae half-way down the tibiae, of two large sacs of thin fluid, containing, I should say, each a pint or more, freely fluctuating, and quite painless.  I left them alone, and they have spontaneously disappeared.”

“In May, 1880, I saw with Dr. Julius, of Hastings, an unmarried lady, aged thirty-one.  Her history was that she had been in fairly good health until five years ago, when, during her mother’s illness, she overtaxed her strength in nursing, since which time she has been a constant invalid, suffering from backache, bearing down, inability to walk, disordered menstruation, and the usual train of uterine symptoms.  She used to get a little better on going to the sea-side, but soon became ill again, and in October, 1879, she was completely laid up.  The least standing or walking brought on severe pain in her back and side, and she gave up the attempt, and had since remained entirely confined to her bed or sofa, suffering from constant nausea, complete loss of appetite, and depending on chloral and morphia for relief.  Many efforts

Project Gutenberg
Fat and Blood from Project Gutenberg. Public domain.