both prigs from their birth,
OLD MOB and TOM COX took their
last draught on earth:
and WHITNEY pulled up,
And jolly JACK JOYCE drank
his finishing cup!
a can of ale calms,
highwayman’s qualms,
And makes him
sing blithely his dolorous psalms
And nothing
the transit to Tyburn beguiles
So well as
a draught from the Bowl of Saint Giles!
“Singing’s dry work,” observed the stranger, pausing to take a pull at the bottle. “And now, widow,” he continued, “attend to the next verse, for it consarns a friend o’ yours.”
When gallant TOM SHEPPARD
to Tyburn was led,—
“Stop the cart at the
Crown—stop a moment,” he said.
He was offered the Bowl, but
he left it and smiled,
Crying, “Keep it till
call’d for by JONATHAN WILD!
rascal one day,
pass by this way,
drink a full measure to moisten his clay!
never will Bowl of Saint Giles have beguiled
a thorough-paced scoundrel as JONATHAN WILD!”
Should it e’er be my
lot to ride backwards that way,
At the door of the Crown I
will certainly stay;
I’ll summon the landlord—I’ll
call for the Bowl,
And drink a deep draught to
the health of my soul!
may hap,
taste of the tap,
To keep up
my spirits when brought to the crap!
For nothing
the transit to Tyburn beguiles
So well as
a draught from the Bowl of St. Giles!
“Devil seize the woman!” growled the singer, as he brought his ditty to a close; “will nothing tempt her out? Widow Sheppard, I say,” he added, rising, “don’t be afraid. It’s only a gentleman come to offer you his hand. ’He that woos a maid’,—fol-de-rol—(hiccupping).—I’ll soon find you out.”
Mrs. Sheppard, whose distress at the consumption of the provisions had been somewhat allayed by the anticipation of the intruder’s departure after he had satisfied his appetite, was now terrified in the extreme by seeing a light approach, and hearing footsteps on the stairs. Her first impulse was to fly to the window; and she was about to pass through it, at the risk of sharing the fate of the unfortunate lady, when her arm was grasped by some one in the act of ascending the ladder from without. Uttering a faint scream, she sank backwards, and would have fallen, if it had not been for the interposition of Blueskin, who, at that moment, staggered into the room with a candle in one hand, and the bottle in the other.
“Oh, you’re here, are you?” said the ruffian, with an exulting laugh: “I’ve been looking for you everywhere.”
“Let me go,” implored Mrs. Sheppard,—“pray let me go. You hurt the child. Don’t you hear how you’ve made it cry?”