Jack Sheppard eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 601 pages of information about Jack Sheppard.

Jack Sheppard eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 601 pages of information about Jack Sheppard.
to the greatest advantage.  The only departure which he made from the fashion of the period, was in respect to the peruke—­an article he could never be induced to wear.  In lieu of it, he still adhered to the sleek black crop, which, throughout life, formed a distinguishing feature in his appearance.  Ever since the discovery of his relationship to the Trenchard family, a marked change had taken place in Jack’s demeanour and looks, which were so much refined and improved that he could scarcely be recognised as the same person.  Having only seen him in the gloom of a dungeon, and loaded with fetters, Kneebone had not noticed this alteration:  but he was now greatly struck by it.  Advancing towards him, he made him a formal salutation, which was coldly returned.

“I am expected, I find,” observed Jack, glancing at the well-covered board.

“You are,” replied Kneebone.  “When I heard of your escape, I felt sure I should see you.”

“You judged rightly,” rejoined Jack; “I never yet broke an engagement with friend or foe—­and never will.”

“A bold resolution,” said the woollen-draper.  “You must have made some exertion to keep your present appointment.  Few men could have done as much.”

“Perhaps not,” replied Jack, carelessly.  “I would have done more, if necessary.”

“Well, take a chair,” rejoined Kneebone.  “I’ve waited supper, you perceive.”

“First, let me introduce my friends,” returned Jack, stepping to the door.

“Friends!” echoed Kneebone, with a look of dismay.  “My invitation did not extend to them.”

Further remonstrance, however, was cut short by the sudden entrance of Mrs. Maggot and Edgeworth Bess.  Behind them stalked Blueskin, enveloped in a rough great-coat, called—­appropriately enough in this instance,—­a wrap-rascal.  Folding his arms, he placed his back against the door, and burst into a loud laugh.  The ladies were, as usual, very gaily dressed; and as usual, also, had resorted to art to heighten their attractions—­

    From patches, justly placed, they borrow’d graces,
    And with vermilion lacquer’d o’er their faces.

Edgeworth Bess wore a scarlet tabby negligee,—­a sort of undress, or sack, then much in vogue,—­which suited her to admiration, and upon her head had what was called a fly-cap, with richly-laced lappets.  Mrs. Maggot was equipped in a light blue riding-habit, trimmed with silver, a hunting-cap and a flaxen peruke, and, instead of a whip, carried a stout cudgel.

For a moment, Kneebone had hesitated about giving the signal to Shotbolt, but, thinking a more favourable opportunity might occur, he determined not to hazard matters by undue precipitation.  Placing chairs, therefore, he invited the ladies to be seated, and, paying a similar attention to Jack, began to help to the various dishes, and otherwise fulfil the duties of a host.  While this was going on, Blueskin, seeing no notice whatever taken of him, coughed loudly and repeatedly.  But finding his hints totally disregarded, he, at length, swaggered up to the table, and thrust in a chair.

Project Gutenberg
Jack Sheppard from Project Gutenberg. Public domain.