The works of John Dryden, $c now first collected in eighteen volumes. $p Volume 05 eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 415 pages of information about The works of John Dryden, $c now first collected in eighteen volumes. $p Volume 05.

The works of John Dryden, $c now first collected in eighteen volumes. $p Volume 05 eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 415 pages of information about The works of John Dryden, $c now first collected in eighteen volumes. $p Volume 05.

Fisc. I like him well for that; this fault of his great mind, as Beamont calls it, may give him cause to wish he was more wary, when it shall be too late. [Aside.

Har. I was in some small hope, this ship had been of our own country, and brought back my son; for much about this season I expect him.  Good-morrow, gentlemen; I go to fill a brendice to my noble captain’s health, pray tell him so; the youth of our Amboyna I’ll send before, to welcome him.

Col. We’ll stay, and meet him here.
                          [Exeunt HARMAN, FISCAL, and VAN HERRING.

Beam. I do not like these fleering Dutchmen, they overact their kindness.

Col. I know not what to think of them; that old fat governor, Harman van Spelt, I have known long; they say he was a cooper in his country, and took the measure of his hoops for tuns by his own belly:  I love him not, he makes a jest of men in misery; the first fat merry fool I ever knew, that was ill-natured.

Beam. He’s absolutely governed by this Fiscal, who was, as I have heard, an ignorant advocate in Rotterdam, such as in England we call a petty-fogging rogue; one that knows nothing, but the worst part of the law, its tricks and snares:  I fear he hates us English mortally.  Pray heaven we feel not the effects on’t.

Col. Neither he, nor Harman, will dare to shew their malice to us, now Towerson is come.  For though, ’tis true, we have no castle here, he has an awe upon them in his worth, which they both fear and reverence.

Beam. I wish it so may prove; my mind is a bad prophet to me, and what it does forbode of ill, it seldom fails to pay me.  Here he comes.

Col. And in his company young Harman, son to our Dutch governor.  I wonder how they met.

  Enter TOWERSON, HARMAN Junior, and a Skipper.

Tow. [Entering, to the Skipper.] These letters see conveyed with speed to our plantation.  This to Cambello, and to Hitto this, this other to Loho.  Tell them, their friends in England greet them well; and when I left them, were in perfect health.

Skip. Sir, you shall be obeyed. [Exit Skipper.

Beam. I heartily rejoice that our employers have chose you for this place:  a better choice they never could have made, or for themselves, or me.

Col. This I am sure of, that our English factories in all these parts have wished you long the man, and none could be so welcome to their hearts.

Har.  Jun. And let me speak for my countrymen, the Dutch; I have heard my father say, he’s your sworn brother:  And this late accident at sea, when you relieved me from the pirates, and brought my ship in safety off, I hope will well secure you of our gratitude.

Project Gutenberg
The works of John Dryden, $c now first collected in eighteen volumes. $p Volume 05 from Project Gutenberg. Public domain.