Fisc. I have been a better friend to you, than perhaps you think, captain.
Per. I fear you have indeed. [Aside.
Fisc. And faithfully solicited your business; send but your wife to-morrow morning early, the money shall be ready.
Per. What if I come myself?
Fisc. Why ye may have it, if you come yourself, captain; but in case your occasions should call you any other way, you dare trust her to receive it.
Per. She has no skill in money.
Fisc. It shall be told into her hand, or given her upon honour, in a lump: but, captain, you were saying you did want; now I should think three hundred doubloons would do you no great harm; they will serve to make you merry on the watch.
Per. Must they be told into my wife’s hand, too?
Fisc. No, those you may receive yourself, if you dare merit them.
Per. I am a Spaniard, sir; that implies honour: I dare all that is possible.
Fisc. Then you dare kill a man.
Per. So it be fairly.
Fisc. But what if he will not be so civil to be killed that way? He is a sturdy fellow, I know you stout, and do not question your valour; but I would make sure work, and not endanger you, who are my friend.
Per. I fear the governor will execute me.
Fisc. The governor will thank you; ’Tis he shall be your pay-master; you shall have your pardon drawn up beforehand; and remember, no transitory sum, three hundred quadruples in your own country gold.
Per. Well, name your man.
Enter JULIA.
Fisc. Your wife comes, take it in whisper. [They whisper.
Jul. Yonder is my master, and my Dutch servant; how lovingly they talk in private! if I did not know my Don’s temper to be monstrously jealous, I should think, they were driving a secret bargain for my body; but cuerpo is not to be digested by my Castilian. Mi Moher, my wife, and my mistress! he lays the emphasis on me, as if to cuckold him were a worse sin, than breaking the commandment. If my English lover, Beamont, my Dutch love, the Fiscal, and my Spanish husband, were painted in a piece, with me amongst them, they would make a pretty emblem of the two nations that cuckold his Catholic majesty in his Indies.
Fisc. You will undertake it then?
Per. I have served under Towerson as his lieutenant, served him well, and, though I say it, bravely; yet never have been rewarded, though he promised largely; ’tis resolved, I’ll do it.
Fisc. And swear secresy?
Per. By this beard.
Fisc. Go wait upon the governor from me, confer with him about it in my name, this seal will give you credit. [Gives him his seal.