Adèle Dubois eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 210 pages of information about Adèle Dubois.

Adèle Dubois eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 210 pages of information about Adèle Dubois.
This talented authoress ranks first among the successful female novel writers of England.  Her books are immensely popular there; edition after edition of each has been called for, and the announcement of a new one from her pen creates a new demand, and increases the popularity of what has been published.  By an arrangement with her and her English publishers, all her books are to be brought before the American public, where she is almost wholly unknown, except to the readers at LORING’S CIRCULATING LIBRARY, and they are enthusiastic over them.
“Margaret and Her Bridesmaids” is the one chosen to introduce her with, as this, she writes me, has enjoyed the greatest popularity in England.  This will be followed by “THE QUEEN OF THE COUNTY”, and the others, as fast as compatible.

   It is the history of four school-girls.

The London Athenaeum, the highest literary authority, says of it:  “We may save ourselves the trouble of giving any lengthened review of this book, for we recommend all who are in search of a fascinating novel, to read it for themselves.  They will find it well worth their while.  There is a freshness and originality about it quite charming, and there is a certain nobleness in the treatment, both of sentiment and incident, which is not often found.  We imagine that few can read it without deriving some comfort or profit from the quiet good sense and unobtrusive words of counsel with which it abounds”.
The story is very interesting.  It is the history of four school-fellows.  Margaret, the heroine, is, of course, a woman in the highest state of perfection.  But Lotty—­the little, wilful, wild, fascinating, brave Lotty—­is the gem of the book, and, as far as our experience in novel reading goes, is an entirely original character—­a creation—­and a very charming one.  No story that occurs to our memory contains more interest than this for novel readers, particularly those of the tender sex, to whom it will be a dear favorite.

   We hope the authoress will give us some more novels, as good as
   “Margaret and her Bridesmaids”.



   By S.M., Author of “Linnet’s Trial”.

   Read the Opinions of the English Press.

Another first-rate novel by a woman!  The plot well conceived and worked out, the characters individualized and clear-cut, and the story so admirably told that you are hurried along for two hours and a half with a smile often breaking out at the humor, a tear ready to start at the pathos, and with unflagging interest, till the heroine’s release from all trouble is announced at the end. *** We heartily recommend the book to all readers.  It is more full of character than any book we remember since Charles Reade’s “Christie Johnstone".—­Reader.
“Twice Lost” is an entertaining novel; the struggle between the high-spirited,
Project Gutenberg
Adèle Dubois from Project Gutenberg. Public domain.