The Mansion of Mystery eBook

Chester K. Steele
This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 234 pages of information about The Mansion of Mystery.

The Mansion of Mystery eBook

Chester K. Steele
This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 234 pages of information about The Mansion of Mystery.

There was a strange whirr and a clicking in the apartment beyond, as if some machinery was in motion.  But then came a loud voice and the other sounds stopped.  By getting down on his hands and knees Adam Adams was enabled to hear nearly all that was said in the place beyond the barred door.

“I will listen to reports,” said a voice which sounded much like that of Matlock Styles.  “Number One, have you performed the ghostly manifestations?”

“I have, chief,” was the answer.

“Did you notice anything unusual?”

“A boy and a girl on the other side of the river ran away as if the Old Nick were after them.”

“Anything else?”

“No, but it’s Number Three’s turn after tonight.”

“Very well; Number Three, take notice of that.  Number Two, there are but six of you here to-night.  What of the other two?”

“A note was left at the foot of the tree.  They could not come, for one had business in New York and the other business in New Haven.”

“Very well.  Number Three, what of the goods you shipped to Philadelphia day before yesterday?”

“I have a telegram that it was safely received and payment will be made to-morrow.”

“How much?”

“Two thousand dollars.”

“That is fine.  We are doing better than we did.”

“I’ll try to get more next time.”

“Do so by all means.  The more we get the better off we shall be and the sooner we can retire.  Number Four, what have you to report?”

“I haven’t heard from Albany yet.  I think I’ll hear to-morrow.”

“What have you to say, Number Five?”

“I met my man last night.  He won’t touch the stuff—­says it is too risky.”

“Humph!  What does he expect?  A fortune for nothing?  What have you to say, Number Six?”

“I got a long letter from Denver.  The man out there will take twenty thousand dollars’ worth at fifteen per cent.”

“Didn’t you tell him our rate was twenty-five per cent.?”

“I did, but he won’t bite at that figure.  He says he will go elsewhere.”

“Where can he go?”

“He didn’t say, but he swears he can get the goods.”

“Not as good as ours.  However, let him have the stuff at fifteen per cent. for the present.”

There was a pause.  “Now, has anybody got anything to say?”

“I have,” spoke up the man called Number Three.  “I say we must be careful.  That tragedy at the Langmore house has brought a lot of detectives to this vicinity.”

“Yes, I know that.  One of them came over to the farm,” answered the leader, and now Adam Adams was sure he was Matlock Styles.

“Came to the farm?  What did you say to him?”

“I put him off the track.  He will never bother us again, to my way of thinking.”

“That’s sure?” asked another of the men.

“Bloody sure.”

Project Gutenberg
The Mansion of Mystery from Project Gutenberg. Public domain.