According to the Orders we receiv’d, Volatilio took his Flight in an oblique Ascent, without a Palanquin, but wrapt up as warm as possible, accompanied by two Servants. He parted with great Alacrity, and we soon lost Sight of him. Some Half a Score, in Complaisance, took a Flight of three Hours to see him part of his Way towards his Discovery.
He went off at break of Day, to avoid those Vapours which the Heat of the Sun exhales, and which by Night would have rendered his Passage, he thought, impossible; for he hoped, in a small Space to gain beyond the Heighth they rise to. At the Return of those who convoy’d him, I sent away an Express, to acquaint the Emperor with their Report, which was, That they found no sensible Alteration as to the Rarefaction of the Air, and that the Cold was rather less intense. This News at Court made every one run mad after Shares, which the Proprietors sold at what Rate they pleas’d.
The next Day in the Even, we saw Volatilio on his Return: His first Salutation was,
Courage my Friend, I have pas’d the Atmosphere, and, by Experience, have found my Conjecture true; for being out of the magnetick Power of the Earth, we rested in the Air, as on the solid Earth, and in an Air extreamly temperate, and less subtle than what we breathe.
I sent again this Account to Court, but the Courtiers having no more Shares to sell, gave out, that Volatilio did not return as he promis’d, and it was expected, that I despair’d of the Undertaking, and believ’d him lost.
This was such a Damp to the Town; that Shares fell to Half Value, and none of the Courtiers would buy, sell they cou’d not, having (I mean those let into the Secret) already dispos’d of all by their Agents, tho’ they pretended the contrary.
The Express return’d, with private Orders for me to confirm this Report, which I was oblig’d to do, and stay eight Days longer, as the publick Instructions to us both commanded.
This was a great Mortification to Volatilio, and, I own, the Report he made had rais’d my Curiosity so much, that I was uneasy at this Delay; but we were to obey, and not to enquire into the Reasons of it.
The Messenger returning, told me, that my last Letter had fallen the Shares to five per Cent. under Par, nothing but Lamentations eccho’d thro’ the Streets, and it was impossible to give an Idea of the Change it had occasion’d. The Letter the Minister sent me order’d me to write him Word, that Volatilio was returned, had found no Obstacles, and that I was preparing to depart. That the Court had bought up a vast Number of Shares, and that he took Care of my Interest in particular; that I need stay for no farther Instructions, but make the best of my Way.