“That Reason, said he, is not conclusive, for the Air immediately encompassing the Earth, is more sensible of its attractive Power, than that at a greater Distance, as you may be satisfied, in placing two Pieces of Iron, one near, and the other at a Distance from the Loadstone; the nearest Piece will be strongly attracted, while that at a greater Distance is but weakly affected. Now supposing the Air only of an equal Density thro’out when we have left the Earth, (which, by the Reflection of Heat from the Mountains, rarifies the circumambient Air, and renders it more subtle than that above it) we may respire without Pain; for in less than Six Hours I, by Degrees, withdrew my Spunge.”
I dispatch’d an Express with the Account I had received, and set forward, resolving to wait for further Instructions on the top of the Mountain. I was at a good Distance from the Summit, when I was obliged, by the Thinness of the Air, to have Recourse to my wet Spunge, and was Four and Twenty Hours before I could intirely remove it. The Cacklogallinians found less Difficulty than I in their Respiration, but more in supporting the rigid Cold, especially at Night, when the Damps fell. We staid here Eight Days, that the Subtlety of the Air might become habitual to us.
On the seventh Day, the Messenger return’d with Credentials for Volatilio and my self, to the Potentate in whose Dominions we might happen, and Orders to proceed on our Journey. This Messenger told me, that on the Contents of my Letter being publish’d, the Town was illuminated throughout, and such a Number of Coaches and Palanquins bespoke, that he believed, at our Return, we should find none out of them but the Ostriches. Our Credentials ran thus.
“HIPPOMENE-CONNUFERENTO, Emperor and absolute Monarch of the greatest Empire in the Terrestrial Globe, Disposer of Kingdoms, Judge of Kings, Dispenser of Justice, Light of the World, Joy of the Sun, Darling of Mortals, Scourge of Tyrants, and Refuge of the Distress’d, to the Puissant Monarch of that Kingdom in the Moon, to which our Ambassadors shall arrive: Or, To the Mighty and Sole Lord of that beautiful Planet, sends Greeting.
“Dearly Beloved Brother, and most Mighty Prince, as it has been long doubted by our Ancestors, as well as by those of our Time, whether the Moon were, or were not inhabited, We, who have ever encouraged those who seek the universal Good of Mortals, supposing it possible, if that Planet were possess’d by such, that an Intercourse between the two Worlds might be of mutual Advantage to both, have sent our two Ambassadors, Volatilio and Probusomo, to attempt a Passage to your World, and to assure you, if they succeed, of the great Desire we have of entertaining with you a reciprocal Friendship, of giving all possible Demonstrations of our Affection, and to invite you to send to our World your Ambassadors, with whom we may consult our common Interest. So recommending ours to your Protection, we heartily bid you farewell.
“Given at our Court, _&c._”