Her Own Way eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 117 pages of information about Her Own Way.

Her Own Way eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 117 pages of information about Her Own Way.

GEORGIANA.  Don’t speak about that, please.

COAST. Why not? he’s left it to you, everybody knows it, and it must be a good deal.

GEORGIANA.  I can’t and won’t discuss that with you.

COAST. [Goes to GEORGIANA.] I wish you didn’t feel so hard against me,

GEORGIANA.  To tell you the truth, Sam, I don’t think I feel anything about you.

COAST. Oh, Lord, that’s worse!  I guess I won’t stop at Denver,—­I’ll go away out to the mine for a while and join father.—­Good-by.

GEORGIANA.  Good-by.


COAST. I swore off a lot of things when I thought I was going to get you, Georgiana!

GEORGIANA. [Without any feeling.] I’m glad!

COAST. But I don’t want to put on any bluff.  I’ve sworn ’em all on again.

[Going Left.

GEORGIANA. [Same voice, without feeling.] I’m sorry.

COAST. [Turning quickly and with an absurd ray of hope.] Are you really?

GEORGIANA. [Looking at him a second.] No, Sam, I suppose, if I tell the truth, I don’t really care.  You see, somehow or other, I don’t care very much about anything.

COAST. [Discouraged.] Good-by.

GEORGIANA.  Good-by, a pleasant journey.

[She turns away.  Coast is about to go when he meets LOUISE, who enters Left.

LOUISE.  Good morning, Sam.  Where are you off to?

[Going to the sofa.

COAST. Chicago first, Lou, and then Denver, and eventually—­hell, I guess!

[With a little gulp in his throat he goes out quickly.

LOUISE.  What’s the matter with him—­he hasn’t proposed to you again?

GEORGIANA.  He’s going away, and he’s made Steve—­

LOUISE. [Interrupting.] I’ve just seen Steve, he’s told me.  Steve’s coming uptown soon—­to see you—­

GEORGIANA. [Sitting on the sofa beside LOUISE.] To see me—­why?

LOUISE.  He’ll tell you better than I—­I feel happy, Georgiana.

GEORGIANA.  I’m glad.

LOUISE.  And I believe you’ll be happy again.

GEORGIANA.  Thank you, Louise!

[MRS. CARLEY enters Right and sits by the table.

MRS. CARLEY.  You back, Louise!  I’m that tired, shopping.  I’m buying everything I can think of we’ll be likely to need for months.  There’ll be no pleasure buying things when, instead of having them sent to 2 East 71st Street, we have to say 329 West 143rd!

GEORGIANA. [Rises and goes back of the table.] Mother, dear, you may not have to leave here after all!

MRS. CARLEY.  What do you mean?

GEORGIANA.  Louise will tell you.  I’ve promised to sit through lunch with the children this morning if you don’t mind, and it’s their hour.

MRS. CARLEY.  But, Georgiana—­

[She is interrupted by a gesture and a glance from LOUISE to let GEORGIANA go.

Project Gutenberg
Her Own Way from Project Gutenberg. Public domain.