Her Own Way eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 117 pages of information about Her Own Way.

Her Own Way eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 117 pages of information about Her Own Way.

STEVEN.  And if she won’t?

COAST. I’ll make up every penny of Louise’s you’ve lost, if Georgiana’ll marry me.  Listen—­[SAM puts his arm around STEVEN and brings him down to the sofa and they sit.] she loves you, you’re the kind that always has influence with women; use yours for me, Steve, it’ll be worth your while.

STEVEN. [Half laughs.] You want me to try and persuade her to marry you against her own desire even?

COAST. That’s the figure.

STEVEN.  When I know you’re, in your way, just as dishonorable a man as I am, and hard and heartless, [STEVE rises.] I wouldn’t risk my sister’s happiness with you, if it would save me twice over.  Even if she loved you, I’d say what I could against it.

COAST. [Quick.] She’ll never know you broke your word to her if I help you.

STEVEN.  Yes, she will, because I mean to tell her to-night.

COAST. All right!

STEVEN.  That’s what I’ve come for, to make a clean breast of everything.

COAST. You’re a damned fool! [He rises and moves away.] However, each way plays more or less into my hands.

GEORGIANA. [Outside of door Right.] If you are telling secrets, look out—­I’m coming!

COAST. Come on!

[GEORGIANA comes in, dressed in graceful negligee tea gown.

GEORGIANA.  Good evening, Sam!  Steve, you’re not dressed yet?

STEVEN.  I forgot about the ball.

GEORGIANA.  I can tell you one person who hasn’t, and that’s mother!

COAST. [Laughing.] Is she going to be corking?

GEORGIANA. [Sitting in the arm-chair by the sofa.] If the Grand Duke were a bachelor and mother had designs upon him, she couldn’t possibly take more pains!  She’s going to be beyond all words.  She’s got every jewel she owns and can borrow draped about her, till she looks like Tiffany’s exhibit at the St. Louis Fair.  And as for her hair, she’s had Bella Shindle working on it all afternoon, till it’s the Titianest Titian that ever flamed on human head!

COAST. Sounds great!

[Sitting on the bench. STEVEN sits on the sofa.

GEORGIANA.  Wait!  She’s built her tiara up with a breastpin and an aigrette off my winter hat, and it was all I could do to keep her from wearing the three feathers in which she was presented to the Queen in A.D. ’73.

[They all laugh good-naturedly.

COAST. Aunt Laura’s a corker!

GEORGIANA.  Well, no one will miss her!  She’ll get the Grand Duke’s eye if no one else does!  I tell her she’ll go through the ballroom like a search-light!

COAST. Is she all dressed now?

GEORGIANA.  Not yet.  I’m judging by her dress rehearsal!  I left her in a state of terrible indecision as to whether she should arch her eyebrows “just a little” with a burnt match!

[All laugh again good-naturedly.

Project Gutenberg
Her Own Way from Project Gutenberg. Public domain.