Her Own Way eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 117 pages of information about Her Own Way.

Her Own Way eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 117 pages of information about Her Own Way.

GEORGIANA.  But, Dick, I’m perfectly happy in what I’m doing.

DICK.  Of course! but that doesn’t make it any the pleasanter for me. [Rises.] Good-by.

GEORGIANA. [Rising.] And that’s all, just good-by?

DICK.  No, I wish you all kinds of happiness in the future and the happiest marriage in the world.

GEORGIANA.  Oh, thank you very much.

DICK. [With great effort.] I wish you everything that’s good, Georgy, old girl!

GEORGIANA.  Well, I’m sure no one could ask for more; and what shall I wish you?

DICK.  Wish me a big fight, and an exciting one!  Wish me a chance to do something!  Wish me—­oh, what does it matter—­wish me—­“Good-by.”

GEORGIANA.  What does it matter?  Good-by!  No!

[They shake hands; she follows him to the door.

DICK.  I must.  I’ll be late.


DICK. [Looking at her a moment.] I am—­too late.  Good-by.

[He is going out again and she stops him. Good-by. [Light-heartedly.

[He goes out.  She stands where he leaves her, facing the door.  A pause.

GEORGIANA.  “What does it matter”—­“wish me good-by.”

[She turns, looking straight ahead of her, gazing into space, realizing what it means to her.  Slowly the emotion creeps into her face, she falters where she stands, and turns about to burst into tears, when COAST comes back into the room.

COAST. I heard Coleman go—­can I talk with you a little?

GEORGIANA. [Sitting on the sofa.] No, Sam, I don’t feel like it!

[She cannot keep her tears back.

COAST. [Going to her.] Georgy, don’t—­don’t—­I love you.

GEORGIANA.  No!  I don’t want you to.

COAST. It don’t make any difference if you want me to or not; I do, got to, it’s so strong in me—­won’t you have me?

GEORGIANA.  No!  Won’t you leave me alone a little?

COAST. No, I can’t.  Listen; I know I’m not refined enough for you—­but I can get over that in time.  Sure!  I can get over everything for you, if you’ll only love me.

GEORGIANA.  No! now go away from me.

[He kneels beside her a little awkwardly, trying to make her look at him.

COAST. There isn’t a thing in this world that money can buy I won’t give you.

GEORGIANA.  There are some things money can’t buy.

COAST. No, there ain’t—­not my money!  You’ll have everything a woman can hanker after in this world—­the best there is, and Steve shall have it, too, for your sake.

GEORGIANA.  I can never love you.

COAST. Listen!  I’ll make my wife the biggest woman in the city—­I’ll make her—­

GEORGIANA. [Interrupting.] Sam, stop! [He rises.] I can’t hear any more!

[A pause—­she sobs; he waits.

Project Gutenberg
Her Own Way from Project Gutenberg. Public domain.