Her Own Way eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 117 pages of information about Her Own Way.

Her Own Way eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 117 pages of information about Her Own Way.

COAST. All right, only I need a shave.

[He sits Left.

MRS. CARLEY.  Well, you shouldn’t talk about it!  You need a lot of coaching.

GEORGIANA. [Aside to DICK.] Stay; I want to speak to you alone.

DICK.  All right, old girl, I think I know why.

MRS. CARLEY.  Why don’t you all sit down?

GEORGIANA.  He hasn’t much time.

DICK.  I haven’t long to stay.  I must be at the armory by a quarter to four.

GEORGIANA.  You march by here at four, don’t you, on your way to the 42d
St. Station?

DICK.  Yes, rather a bore; but the Governor insists, and Roosevelt comes on to receive us at 59th St.

GEORGIANA.  We oughtn’t to keep Dick, then, mother; we ought to say good-by at once.

[They all rise.

MRS. CARLEY.  Very well, speed the parting guest!  Good-by, Dick, we’ll watch the papers to see what brave things you do, and don’t fall in love with any of the decollete young nigger ladies we read about.

DICK.  Good-by, Mrs. Carley. [They wait for GEORGIANA to say good-by.  A pause.] Good-by, Coast!

[Crosses to COAST, who rises and shakes hands with DICK.

COAST. Good-by!  Good luck—­

GEORGIANA. [Pointedly.] Good-by, Sam.

COAST. Oh, I’m not going.

[A pause.

DICK. [To GEORGIANA.] Good-by.

GEORGIANA.  Good-by! [Shakes his hand and adds under her breath to him.] Don’t go.  Don’t go.

[A pause; all wait.

MRS. CARLEY.  He isn’t in a hurry, after all, Georgiana; let’s all sit down again.

[They all sit.

GEORGIANA. [Laughing, embarrassed.] Of course I don’t want to urge you off, Dick.

DICK. [Rising.] No, but really, after all, I think I must go.

[All rise again.

GEORGIANA.  No!  Mother, I want to speak with Dick alone, before he goes; you won’t mind leaving us, will you, you and Sam?

[Sam rises.

MRS. CARLEY. [Unwilling.] Oh, no—­Come along, Sam.  We’ll be on the balcony when you pass, Dick; be sure to look up.  Good-by.


DICK. [Shaking her hand.] I’ll look up.

COAST. [At the door Right.] I’ll go up and see the kids.

[COAST looks at Dick and goes out very slowly with MRS. CARLEY.

GEORGIANA.  I couldn’t say good-by to you like that—­I couldn’t share my good-by with mother; you understand that, don’t you, Dick.

DICK.  Yes, old girl, though if I had my way I wouldn’t say good-by to you at all—­I hate good-bys to people I care about.

GEORGIANA.  Sit down just a few minutes.

[They sit down by the table.

DICK. [Sees the tie in her hands.] Busy making reins for Toots?  What an ugly color!

Project Gutenberg
Her Own Way from Project Gutenberg. Public domain.