Young Lion of the Woods eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 145 pages of information about Young Lion of the Woods.

Young Lion of the Woods eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 145 pages of information about Young Lion of the Woods.

Soon after relating the above she retired to bed and in the morning seemed refreshed and happy.  She sang songs in the Chippewayan tongue during the morning; her deep black eye became brighter; her step was light and quick, and her whole frame seemed to move to silent music, so regular, graceful and quick were her motions.

Who among us of earth knows but there are times in the lives of some of us, if not all of us, when the silent influences of dear departed friends, happy in the etherial or spirit world, unconsciously direct our thoughts and guide our movements.

In a few days Margaret Godfrey was preparing to leave the settlement and return to Halifax, and there make one more effort to secure some compensation for her husband’s losses on the St. John.

She invited “Little Mag” to give her the history of the ring.  In reply, “Little Mag” said her husband, Paul, had given it to her, and when he presented it to her told her that it once belonged to the best pale face woman he had ever seen in all his travels, that it was stolen from off the pale face’s finger, and some moons afterwards he had knocked down the thief and taken it off his finger, one night far outside the British lines at Quebec.  The thief was a rebel who had nearly killed pale face woman.  About two weeks after Paul had knocked the rebel down, there was a sharp sortie between some British soldiers and some Americans, and during the fight, which ended in the repulse of the Americans, the monkey-faced, cross-eyed rebel, “Will,” was taken prisoner.  He was a great coward, and acknowledged to her husband that he had taken the ring off pale face woman’s finger.  Her husband told her to keep the ring till pale face woman saw it.  That pale face woman has arrow mark on right arm above joint.  Here Margaret Godfrey pulled up her sleeve and showed the little squaw the arrow mark received by her at Fort Frederick, in 1770.  “Little Mag’s” full brown-face lit up with an innocent smile as she pulled the precious gem off her own finger and placed it in the hand of Mrs. Godfrey, at the same time saying, “I know you the pale face who lost ring.”  Margaret took the ring put it on her own finger and thanked “Little Mag” for it.

The Chippewayan widow then took from a pocket in her blue skirt, a small case and handed it to Margaret Godfrey, who opened it and took from it a neck-lace of beads mounted with gold.  A small gold cross was attached.  “Little Mag” said the neck-lace was given to her by officers at Quebec when she was married, and Paul had given her the cross at the same time.  She had married Paul when he was visiting among her tribe, when she was sixteen years old.  When they came to Quebec the officers were very good to them.  They gave her plenty of good clothes because they liked her husband so much.

Paul got sick while hunting with officers last winter.  She was with them and cooking in camp.  In early spring left the officers and came down to St. John River, in May, and built wigwam near his mother’s grave.  He got no better, but worse, growing thinner and weaker, with great cough.  “What ‘Little Mag’ do now my Paul gone?” “I know you good woman will ask Great Chief to help me go home to my tribe, there live and die.  My little papoose, Paul, dead, sleeps near Quebec, died when few moons old.”

Project Gutenberg
Young Lion of the Woods from Project Gutenberg. Public domain.