Elements of Military Art and Science eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 486 pages of information about Elements of Military Art and Science.

Elements of Military Art and Science eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 486 pages of information about Elements of Military Art and Science.
| 1810 | 3,295,500 | 1,841,107 | 18,975,120 | | 1811 | 3,675,750 | 2,046,200 | 19,822,000 | | 1812 | 3,675,750 | 1,696,621 | 19,305,759 | | 1813 | 3,549,000 | 2,822,031 | 20,096,709 | | 1814 | 3,268,000 | 2,086,274 | 19,312,070 | | 1815 | 2,386,500 | 2,116,710 | 19,032,700 | ------------------------------------------------------------

It appears from this table that the appropriations for the service, during the first fifteen years of the present century, amounted to a little less than ninety millions of dollars per annum; and for the wear and tear of ships, and “the extraordinary expenses in building and repairing ships, &c.,” the annual appropriations amounted to near thirty millions.

Our own naval returns are also so imperfect that it is impossible to form any very accurate estimate of the relative cost of construction and repairs of our men-of-war.  The following table, compiled from a report of the Secretary of the Navy, in 1841, (Senate Doc.  No. 223, 26th Congress,) will afford data for an approximate calculation:—­

Name of No.  Total Cost When Cost of Repaired
Ship. of of building, completed.  Repairs, between. 
Guns. exclusive of exclusive
armament, of
stores, ordnance,
&c. &c. &c. &c.
Delaware, 74 $543,368 00 1820 $354,132 56 1827 and 1838
N. Carolina, 74 431,852 00 1825 317,628 92 1824 and 1836
Constitution, 44 302,718 84 1797 266,878 34 1833 and 1839
United States 44 299,336 56 1797 571,972 77 1821 and 1841
Brandywine, 44 [23]299,218 12 1825 [23]377,665 95 1826 and 1838
Potomac, 44 [23]231,013 02 1822 [23] 82,597 03 1829 and 1835
Concord, 20 115,325 80 1828 72,796 22 1832 and 1840
Falmouth, 20 94,093 27 1827 130,015 43 1828 and 1837
John Adams, 20 110,670 69 1829 119,641 93 1834 and 1837
Boston, 20 91,973 19 1825 189,264 37 1826 and 1840
St. Louis, 20 102,461 95 1828 135,458 75 1834 and 1839
Vincennes, 20 111,512 79 1826 178,094 81 1830 and 1838
Vandalia, 20 90,977 88 1828 59,181 34 1832 and 1834
Lexington, 20? 114,622 35 1826 83,386 52 1827 and 1837
Warren, 20? 99,410 01 1826 152,596 03 1830 and 1838
Fairfield, 20 100,490 35 1826 65,918 26 1831 and 1837
Natches,[24] 20? 106,232 19 1827 129,969 80 1829 and 1836
Boxer, 10 30,697 88 1831 28,780 48 1834 and 1840
Enterprise, 10 27,938 63 1831 20,716 59 1834 and 1840
Grampus, 10 23,627 42 1821 96,086 36 1825 and 1840
Dolphin, 10 38,522 62 1836 15,013 35 1839 and 1840
Shark, 10 23,627 42 1821 93,395 84 1824 and 1839

Project Gutenberg
Elements of Military Art and Science from Project Gutenberg. Public domain.