The Treasury of Ancient Egypt eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 276 pages of information about The Treasury of Ancient Egypt.

The Treasury of Ancient Egypt eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 276 pages of information about The Treasury of Ancient Egypt.

It must now be pointed out, as a third argument, that an Egyptologist cannot study his subject properly unless he be thoroughly familiar with Egypt and the modern Egyptians.

A student who is accustomed to sit at home, working in his library or museum, and who has never resided in Egypt, or has but travelled for a short time in that country, may do extremely useful work in one way and another, but that work will not be faultless.  It will be, as it were, lop-sided; it will be coloured with hues of the west, unknown to the land of the Pharaohs and antithetical thereto.  A London architect may design an apparently charming villa for a client in Jerusalem, but unless he knows by actual and prolonged experience the exigencies of the climate of Palestine, he will be liable to make a sad mess of his job.  By bitter experience the military commanders learnt in South Africa that a plan of campaign prepared in England was of little use to them.  The cricketer may play a very good game upon the home ground, but upon a foreign pitch the first straight ball will send his bails flying into the clear blue sky.

An archaeologist who attempts to record the material relating to the manners and customs of the ancient Egyptians cannot complete his task, or even assure himself of the accuracy of his statements, unless he has studied the modern customs and has made himself acquainted with the permanent conditions of the country.  The modern Egyptians, as has been pointed out in chapter ii. (page 28), are the same people as those who bowed the knee to Pharaoh, and many of their customs still survive.  A student can no more hope to understand the story of Pharaonic times without an acquaintance with Egypt as she now is than a modern statesman can hope to understand his own times solely from a study of the past.

Nothing is more paralysing to a student of archaeology than continuous book-work.  A collection of hard facts is an extremely beneficial mental exercise, but the deductions drawn from such a collection should be regarded as an integral part of the work.  The road-maker must also walk upon his road to the land whither it leads him; the shipbuilder must ride the seas in his vessel, though they be uncharted and unfathomed.  Too often the professor will set his students to a compilation which leads them no farther than the final fair copy.  They will be asked to make for him, with infinite labour, a list of the High Priests of Amon; but unless he has encouraged them to put such life into those figures that each one seems to step from the page to confront his recorder, unless the name of each calls to mind the very scenes amidst which he worshipped, then is the work uninspired and as deadening to the student as it is useful to the professor.  A catalogue of ancient scarabs is required, let us suppose, and students are set to work upon it.  They examine hundreds of specimens, they record the variations in design, they note the differences in the glaze or material.  But can

Project Gutenberg
The Treasury of Ancient Egypt from Project Gutenberg. Public domain.