Gilbertus Anglicus eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 97 pages of information about Gilbertus Anglicus.

Gilbertus Anglicus eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 97 pages of information about Gilbertus Anglicus.

Two years before his death Dr. Handerson became totally blind.  This grievous affliction was borne with unvarying patience and cheerfulness.  He still loved to recite from memory the classic authors, to relate and discuss episodes of world history and events of the present, to solve difficult mathematical problems, and to have his data on all subjects verified.  He retained his faculties perfectly until April 23, 1918, when he died from cerebral hemorrhage.

He is survived by a daughter, two sons by the second marriage, and his devoted wife.

Among numerous letters received from prominent physicians and authors appreciative of Dr. Handerson’s medico-historical labors, one from Dr. Oliver Wendell Holmes expresses high praise and requests to have sent to him everything which Dr. Handerson might in future write.

It seems eminently appropriate that the essay on “Gilbertus Anglicus.” the last from the pen of Dr. Handerson, should be put in book form, together with a sketch, however brief, of its author’s earnest life, his sterling character, his geniality and imperturbable equanimity, and thus preserved in testimony of the high esteem in which he was held by his contemporaries.

    Samuel Walter Kelley.

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At a meeting of the Council of the Cleveland Medical Library Association, held on May 14, the following resolutions were adopted: 

Resolved, That in the death of Dr. Henry E. Handerson the Cleveland Medical Library Association has sustained the loss of one of its most honored and devoted members.  His scholarly acquirements were notable, and his eminence as a medical historian generally recognized.  His deep interest in the welfare of the Library and his thorough attention to every detail of his official duties were always evident, while his lovable personal qualities endeared him to all.

The Association desires to express its high appreciation of his long and valued services, and extends to his bereaved family its heartfelt and sincere sympathy.

    C.A.  Hamann,
    Wm. Evans Bruner,
    J.B.  McGEE.

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A Study of English medicine in the thirteenth century.

By H.E.  Handerson, A.M., M.D.


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    “Nothing in the past is dead to the man who would learn how
    the present came to be what it is.”—­Stubbs—­Constitutional
    Hist. of England

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Among the literary monuments of early English medicine the “Compendium Medicinae” of Gilbertus Anglicus merits a prominent position as the earliest complete treatise on general medicine by an English author which has been preserved to our day, and equally because it forms in itself a very complete mirror of the medical science of its age and its country.

Project Gutenberg
Gilbertus Anglicus from Project Gutenberg. Public domain.