Continental Monthly, Vol. I, No. VI, June, 1862 eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 306 pages of information about Continental Monthly, Vol. I, No. VI, June, 1862.

Continental Monthly, Vol. I, No. VI, June, 1862 eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 306 pages of information about Continental Monthly, Vol. I, No. VI, June, 1862.
It is easy to see how time has brought about such a revolution of feeling and idea respecting slavery.  It can be shown that circumstances have changed altogether the relations of slavery, and while names have remained the same, the things which they represent have assumed a radical difference.  It can be shown that the introduction of the cotton-gin, and the increased profits of slave labor, have given an impetus to the domestic institution that brings with it an entire revolution of opinion.  When slavery was unprofitable to the slaveholders; when, in the early days of the republic, the number of slaves was comparatively small; when, all over the country, the veterans of the Revolution existed to testify to the hardships they endured for national independence, and eulogize even the help of the negro in securing it, then slavery was regarded a curse, an evil to be curtailed and in time obliterated; then the local character of slavery, as the creature of municipal law, not to be recognized where such law does not exist, was the opinion universally of the people.  But now, with the growing profits of slavery, with the increase of the power of this institution, other and far different language is held.  Disguise it as we may, there do exist great motives that have silently yet powerfully operated within the last thirty or forty years, to change the popular current of feeling and opinion.  Not only have the slave States held the balance of political power, but the spread of slavery has been gigantic.  The fairest regions of the South have been opened up to the domestic institution, and Texas annexed, with Louisiana, Arkansas and Florida, making an immense area of country, to be the nursery of slavery.  The political ascendency of the slave States has ever given to the South a great advantage, in the extension of their favored institution, and the result has proved that what our ancestors looked upon as an evil that time would soon do away with, has grown into a monster system that threatens to make subservient to it the free institutions of the North.

Slavery has now come to be a mighty energy of disquietude all over the country, assuming colossal proportions of mischief, and mocking all the ordinary restraints of law.  The question of the present day to be decided is not whether freedom and slavery shall exist side by side, nor whether slavery shall be tolerated as a necessary evil; but in reality, whether freedom shall be crushed under the iron hoof of slavery, and this institution shall obtain the complete control of the country.  It has been said that the Constitution takes the position of complete indifference to slavery; but the history of the slave States does not lead us to infer that they were ever willing that slavery should be tested by its own merits, or stand without the most persistent efforts to secure for it the patronage of the Federal Government.  Study the progress of slavery, the last forty years, and none can fail to see that it has ever aimed to secure first the

Project Gutenberg
Continental Monthly, Vol. I, No. VI, June, 1862 from Project Gutenberg. Public domain.