his counsel, Dr. Ortiz de Funes, 65;
his skill in drawing up his own defence, 65;
he is told to choose two patronos
from four names unknown to
him, 66;
requests that he be given Sebastian Perez as patrono, 66;
suggests that Dr. Cancer or Hernando del
Castillo may be appointed
with Perez, 66;
asks that Castillo’s name be removed
from the list of
patronos, 67;
threatens to appeal to the Inquisitor-General
against the enforced
choosing of unknown patronos,
decides to accept as patronos Fray
Mancio de Corpus
Christi and either Medina
or Dr. Cancer, 68;
Mancio is appointed patrono and
makes a report favourable to
him, 69;
all information of this is withheld from him, 69;
he protests against his papers being entrusted to Mancio, 69;
his suspicions and distrust of Mancio, 69-71;
he becomes reconciled with Mancio, 72;
loses judicial favour owing to his vacillations over Mancio, 73;
his demeanour in court, 74;
his portrait by Pacheco, 79;
his want of humour, 80;
his gift of sarcasm, 80;
his versatility, 81; his conservatism, 81;
his teachers, 81;
his books, 81, 82;
his knowledge of Italian, 83;
his curiosity about astrology, 84, 85;
he urges the Court to prosecute Castro for perjury, 86;
declares that his detention is illegal
and demands compensation for
it, 86;
his health declines and his irritability increases, 87;
he is blamed by Castillo for teaching erroneous doctrine, 89;
his moods of depression, 89;
Menchaca, Alava, Tello Maldonado, and
Albornoz recommend that he be
tortured, 90;
a more lenient view is adopted by Guijano
de Mercado and Frechilla,
the Supreme Inquisition brushes aside the views of both parties, 91;
he is publicly reprimanded by order of
the Supreme Inquisition and
acquitted, 92;
his Spanish version of the Song of
Solomon is confiscated,
he asks for an official certificate of
acquittal and for arrears of
salary as regards his chair,
his applications are granted but their fulfilment delayed, 92;
his return to Salamanca, 145;
he meets the Claustro of the University, 146;
renounces all claim to his Chair so long
as it is occupied by
Castillo, 146;
creation of a provisional new chair for
him by the Claustro,
he lectures in his new chair January 29, 1577, 147;
his famous alleged phrase Dicebamus hesterna die, 147-150;