Fray Luis de León eBook

James Fitzmaurice-Kelly
This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 168 pages of information about Fray Luis de León.

Fray Luis de León eBook

James Fitzmaurice-Kelly
This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 168 pages of information about Fray Luis de León.

[Footnote 204:  Alonso Getino, op. cit., pp. 266-268.]

[Footnote 205:  Blanco Garcia, op. cit., pp. 212-213.]

[Footnote 206:  Blanco Garcia, op. cit., p. 214, n. 1; Alonso Getino, op. cit., pp. 282-301.]

[Footnote 207:  The bishop seems to have resented Luis de Leon’s opposition to the candidature of the bishop’s brother, Juan Gallo, for the catedra de visperas de teologia.  In this contest Juan Gallo, a Dominican, was defeated by the Augustinian Fray Juan de Guevara (Documentos ineditos, vol.  XI, pp. 275-277).  Guevara was present when the bishop told Luis de Leon that ’he knew Luis de Leon’s hostility to his (the bishop’s) brother had done him more harm than all the rest’ (Documentos ineditos, vol.  XI, p. 261).  Later on, Juan Gallo appears to have been appointed to another chair at Salamanca (Documentos ineditos, vol.  XI, p. 318).]

[Footnote 208:  Documentos ineditos, vol.  XI, p. 303.  Salinas, it should be noted, denied having heard that this applied specially to opponents of the Dominican order.]

[Footnote 209:  The verses ascribed to Domingo de Guzman are reproduced in part by Adolfo de Castro, Biblioteca de Autores Espanoles desde la formacion del lenguaje hasta nuestros dias (Madrid, 1847-1880), vol.  XXXV, p. x; they are given in full by Cayetano Alberto de la Barrera in the Revista de Ciencias, Literatura y Artes (Sevilla, 1856), vol.  II, pp. 731-741; (Sevilla, 1857), vol.  III, pp. 5-22, 69-80, 209-220.  La Barrera, following Gallardo, was careful to point out that lines 37-40 of the verses to Urganda la Desconocida are practically identical with four lines in Domingo de Guzman’s glosa.  Sr.  Rodriguez Marin, in his edition of Don Quixote, published at Madrid in 1916-1917, prints the four lines (vol.  I, pp. 49-50) in inverted commas.  Cervantes, if he meant to quote, must have trusted to his memory.


que don Albaro de Luna, Que don Aluaro de Lu que Anibal Cartajines, Que Anibal el de Carta que Francisco Rey frances, Que Rey Francisco de Espa se queja de la fortuna.  Se quexa de la fortu.

In Guzman’s case I reproduce La Barrera’s transcription.  In the case of Cervantes I follow the spelling adopted in the princeps of the First Part of Don Quixote.

For some readers, it may be convenient to refer to the revised but abridged reprint in C.A. de la Barrera, El Cachetero del Buscapie (Santander, 1916), pp. 133-136.]

[Footnote 210:  The first quintilla of some verses by a poetaster on Luis de Leon’s side is quoted by Fray Antolin Merino in the preface to his edition of the Poesias of Luis de Leon contained in the Obras del Il.  Fr. Luis de Leon (Madrid, 1804-1805-1806-1816), vol.  XI, p. xxv: 

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Fray Luis de León from Project Gutenberg. Public domain.