Journals of Two Expeditions of Discovery in North-West and Western Australia, Volume 2 eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 414 pages of information about Journals of Two Expeditions of Discovery in North-West and Western Australia, Volume 2.

Journals of Two Expeditions of Discovery in North-West and Western Australia, Volume 2 eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 414 pages of information about Journals of Two Expeditions of Discovery in North-West and Western Australia, Volume 2.
has described and figured “the female” of this species with the following note; his specimens were from Timor-Kupang.  On the lower side of both wings there is a carmine anal spot placed at the end of the yellow band and gradually running into it, this spot is larger and more deeply coloured in the male than in the female; in the former it shows itself on the upper side, along the inner edge, as a small streak which is not visible in the latter (l.c. page 40).  I may add that his figure of the abdomen is red, and the specimens are larger than those in the Museum (Bijdragen tot de Kennis der Papilionidea, in the Verhandel. over de Natuurl.  Geschied etc.  Zool.  No 3 tab. 4 f. 3 1840.)

Pieris aganippe (Donovan) Boisduval var.  Lepidopt. 1 page 457. 
Papilio aganippe Donovan Ins. of New Holland.

Habitat King George’s Sound.

Hipparchia merope (Fabricius).

Habitat King George’s Sound.

Hesperia ?  Sophia.  Illustration 24 Insects 7.

Above, brownish black; upper wings varied with bluish grey scales, many near the outer margin arranged into a somewhat regular series; a transverse, slightly bent, white band runs from near the outer edge close to the tip, to near the middle of the wing; wings fringed with greyish and black; under wings brownish black, with fulvescent orange spots and a band, one small spot somewhat transverse, near the middle, beneath this a broadish band extends from the anal margin nearly to the outer side of wing, which is divided by a brown line, leaving an irregular squareish spot, attenuated towards the outer margin; on the margin are three differently-shaped dots beginning from the internal margin, and in one of the specimens are four slight lunules, growing fainter as they approach the outer margin.  Beneath, upper wings with two transverse fulvescent orange bands, one near the centre, the other at the tip, broadest externally, with three black spots, the outer largest running into it near the margin, interiorly it is much contracted ending in spots; the base of the wings is yellowish grey, under wings yellowish grey at base, otherwise very similarly marked, the outer part of the orange band having two longitudinal whitish lines on it; antennae at base fringed with white; club brown.  Body above silky yellowish brown; borders of segments lighter; beneath, greyish white.

Inhabits King George’s Sound.  Capt George Grey.

This seems to belong to a new genus not far removed from Castnia or

Hecatesia thyridion, Feisthamel.  Illustration 25 Insects 8.

1.  Hecatesia thyridion female. 1a. do. male upper side. 1b. under. 1c. fenestra in wing of male. 1d. section of fenestre. 2.  Hecatesia fenestrata male.

Lepidopt.  Voyage Favorite Supplement plate 5 f. 1 male.

Female alis longioribus, maculis albis triseriatis alarum anticarum majoribus, nulla macula diaphana fenestrata ad costam.

Project Gutenberg
Journals of Two Expeditions of Discovery in North-West and Western Australia, Volume 2 from Project Gutenberg. Public domain.