Journals of Two Expeditions of Discovery in North-West and Western Australia, Volume 2 eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 414 pages of information about Journals of Two Expeditions of Discovery in North-West and Western Australia, Volume 2.

Journals of Two Expeditions of Discovery in North-West and Western Australia, Volume 2 eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 414 pages of information about Journals of Two Expeditions of Discovery in North-West and Western Australia, Volume 2.

Lamprima micardi, Reiche in Guerin’s Rev. Zool. 1841, Number 2, page 51.  Habitat King George’s Sound, Captain George Grey.

Porrostoma rufipenne (Fabricius) Laporte Histoire des Anim.  Art.  Lycus rufipennis, Fabricius Syst.  El. 2 page 114 to 120.  Habitat King George’s Sound.

Porrostoma serraticorne (Fabricius) Lap. 
Lycus serraticornis, Fabricius Syst.  El. 2 3 page 6. 
Habitat King George’s Sound.

Saprinus cyaneus (Fabricius) Erichson Uebers. der Hister. in Klug’s
Jahrb. d.  Insectenk. 1 page 178. 
Hister. cyaneus Fabricius Systema Entomologiae page 52 7 3.  Syst.  El. 1
86 13.  Oliv.  Ent. 1 number 8 plate 3 f. 17. 
Habitat King George’s Sound, Captain George Grey.

Stigmodera roei, Hope, Synopsis of Austr.  Insects page 2 number 15.  Buprestis dejeaniana, Boisduval Voyage de l’Astrolabe Ent. 2 page 63 plate 6 f. 6.  Stigmodera cancellata, Lap. and Gory (nec Donovan) Histoire Naturelle etc. des Col. plate 2 f. 6.  Habitat King George’s Sound, Capt George Grey.

Donovan’s B. cancellata is surely a distinct species, the serrated margins of the elytra and other characters would separate it.  I have not seen the work of the Reverend F. Hope, referred to by Messrs. Gory and Laporte, so that I am not aware whether the specific name roei or dejeaniana had the priority in publication.

Stigmodera iospilota, Hope, var.  “Syn. etc.”  Lap. and Gory, op. c. plate 7 f. 39.  Habitat King George’s Sound, Captain George Grey.

Diphucrania scabiosa, Gory ?  Boisduval Voyage de l’Astrolabe.  Habitat King George’s Sound, Captain George Grey.

Ptomaphila lacrymosa (Schreiber) Hope.  The Coleopterist’s Manual part 3 page 150.

Silpha lacrymosa, Schreibers Linnean Transactions 6 page 194 tab. 20
Figure 5. 
Habitat King George’s Sound, Captain George Grey.

Belus suturalis, Boisduval Voyage de l’Astrolabe, Ent. 2 page 304 plate 7
Figure 20. 
Habitat King George’s Sound, Captain George Grey.

Catasarcus rufipes (Hope) Schoenh.  Gen. and Spec.  Curc. 5 gen. 109 sp. 2 page 814.  Cneorhinus stigmatipennis, Boisduval Voyage de l’Astrolabe 2 page 349.  Habitat King George’s Sound.

Helaeus echidna, new species.  Illustration 20 Insects 3. 
H. elytris triseriatim spinosis.

The dilated sides of thorax meeting in front, and projecting beyond head, a short spine in the middle near the hind margin.  Elytra with two rows of spines close to the suture, and another close to the edge, where the dilated part commences:  the central rows of spines are not continued to the tip, the spines being placed irregularly; they are also much larger than those of the side row.  General surface of thorax and elytra very smooth, shining, the dilated parts of thorax and elytra with the surface somewhat undulated.

Inhabits King George’s Sound, Captain Grey.

EMCEPHALUS, Kirby Zool.  Journal 3 page 524.

Project Gutenberg
Journals of Two Expeditions of Discovery in North-West and Western Australia, Volume 2 from Project Gutenberg. Public domain.