56. Grammatophora muricata, Kaup Isis 1827 621.
Gray. Dumeril and Bibron.
Lacerta muricata, Shaw Zool. 3 t. 63 f. 1.
Agama muricata, Daud. A. jacksoniensis, Kuhl.
Guerin Icon t. 3 f.
Amphibolus muricatus, Wiegmann.
Inhabits New Holland.
Var. 1 diemenensis, Gray Annals of Natural History
Inhabits Van Diemen’s Land.
Var. 2 adelaidensis. Gray Annals of Natural History
Inhabits Western Australia, Adelaide.
57. Grammatophora gaimardii, Dumeril and Bibron Erp. Gen. 4 470. Inhabits West Coast of Australia, Shark Bay.
58. Grammatophora decresii, Dumeril and Bibron Erp. Gen. 4 472. Inhabits Australia, Kangaroo Island. Var. 1. Inhabits Western Australia.
59. Grammatophora cristata, Gray Annals of Natural History 1840. Inhabits Western Australia, J. Gould.
60. Moloch horridus, t. 2. Gray Annals of Natural History 1841. Inhabits Western Australia, Captain G. Grey. J. Gould.
61. Uromastix griseus, Cuv. R. A. 2 34. Inhabits “New Holland.” Peron. It is very probable that this species was established on a variety or discoloured specimen of U. hardwickii, and it is very doubtful if it is a native of New Holland.
62. Chamaeleo bifurcus, Brongn. Bull.
Soc. Philom. number 36 f. 2.
Dumeril and Bibron Erp. Gen. 3 233 t. 27 f. 3.
Cham. bifidus, Latr.
Inhabits “New Holland.”
Messieurs Dumeril and Bibron, in the work cited, state
that this species
is found in New Holland, but I believe this is a mistake,
as I have
neither seen nor heard of any species of this genus
being found in
Order 2. OPHIDII.
63. Acanthophis palpebrosa. A. cerastinus,
Lacep. Ann. Museum 4 100.
Guerin Icon. t. 24 f. 2.
A. brownii, Leach Zool. Misc. 1 t. 3.
Boa palpebrosa, Shaw Zool. 3 362.
Ophryas acanthophis, Merrem. 147.
Schlingende Natter, Merrem Beytr. 2 t. 3.
Vipera acanthophis, Schlegel. 2 605 t. 21 f. 21, 22,
Inhabits New Holland.
64. Tropidonotus mairii, Gray. Inhabits New Holland, Dr. Mair, 39th Regiment Museum Chatham.
65. Leptophis punctulatus, Gray, King’s Voyage 2 432. Inhabits Careening Bay, James Hunter, Esquire.
66. Leptophis spilotus, Gray, King’s Voyage 2 433. Inhabits Australia Cape, P.P. King, R.N.
67. Naja custa, Schlegel Phy. Serp. 2 486. Inhabits Australia, King George’s Sound, Museum Paris.
68. Naja bungaroides, Schlegel Phys. Serp. 2 477. Inhabits New Holland, Port Jackson, and India, Museum Paris. Var. 1. New Holland. Dr. Mair.