The Hoyden eBook

Margaret Wolfe Hungerford
This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 468 pages of information about The Hoyden.

The Hoyden eBook

Margaret Wolfe Hungerford
This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 468 pages of information about The Hoyden.

A pause.

“The little plant I sent?” asks he softly.

“Yes,” in a lovely, shamefaced way.

“You kept that?”

“To plant it here.”


“Oh, you know."

“Tell me again.”

“Because I love you.”

She throws her arms around his neck, and their lips meet.



Obvious typographical errors silently corrected by the

volume 1 Chapter 4 :  =Marry me as I am, and for what I am in your sight, and seek a new life with me abroad.= silently corrected as =Marry me as I am, and for what I am in your sight, and seek a new life with me abroad."=

volume 1 chapter 6 :  =’They laugh who win,” is an old proverb.= silently corrected as =’They laugh who win,’ is an old proverb.=

volume 1 chapter 9 :  =Rickfort is my house, too, but I hate it; it is so gloomy.”  I’m sure,” with a shrug of her shoulders= silently corrected as =Rickfort is my house, too, but I hate it; it is so gloomy.  I’m sure,” with a shrug of her shoulders=

volume 1 chapter 10 :  ="God heavens, yes!” says his mother= silently corrected as ="Good heavens, yes!” says his mother=

volume 1 chapter 21 :  =she’ll always be able to tell you something about them you never heard before."= silently corrected as =she’ll always be able to tell you something about them you never heard before=

volume 1 chapter 22 :  ="Many I night I saw the Pleiads, rising through the mellow shade,= silently corrected as ="Many a night I saw the Pleiads, rising through the mellow shade,=

volume 1 chapter 27 :  ="Oh, Randal!” you are too stupid for anything,” says Tita, showing all her pretty teeth=.  Silently corrected as ="Oh, Randal! you are too stupid for anything,” says Tita, showing all her pretty teeth.=

volume 2 chapter 1 :  ="Oh, do, do stop,” says Margaret, lifting her hand.  “You are getting on that—­that wretched old tack again.= silently corrected as ="Oh, do, do stop,” says Margaret, lifting her hand.  “You are getting on that—­that wretched old tack again."=

volume 2 chapter 2 :  =Tita’s determination not to accept the olive branch he offered her yesterday is before him too.  What if she=—­="= silently corrected as =Tita’s determination not to accept the olive branch he offered her yesterday is before him too.  What if she—­=

volume 2 chapter 4 :  ="I know—­I know,” says she.  “If is a dishonourable thought,= silently corrected as “=I know—­I know,” says she.  “It is a dishonourable thought,=

volume 2 chapter 8 :  ="Yes, you?  When I left home this morning, what was the last word I said to you? =silently corrected as= “Yes, you!  When I left home this morning, what was the last word I said to you?=

volume 2 chapter 8 :  =words seem to fail her.  Oh!  I should like to shake you,” says she at last.= silently corrected as =words seem to fail her.  “Oh!  I should like to shake you,” says she at last.=

Project Gutenberg
The Hoyden from Project Gutenberg. Public domain.