FREDERIC (of Prussia),
demands of, 417.
seizure of Silesia by, 418.
triumphal entrance into Breslau, 419.
his defeat of Neuperg, 420.
opinions of on magnanimity, 423.
his indignation at the small concessions
of Austria, 424.
implores peace, 433.
violation of his pledge, 435.
capture of Prague by, 419.
surprises and defeats Prince Charles,
invasion of Saxony by, 458.
explanation demanded from Austria by,
artifice of to entrap the allies, 470.
defeat of at Prague, 473.
recklessness of, 476.
undaunted perseverance of, 477.
despair of, 479.
secures an alliance with Prussia, 480.
letter of to Maria Theresa, 488.
peaceful reply of, 500.
FRENCH, the, driven out of Italy, 94.
the, routed near Brussels, 340.
rout of at Brussels, 340.
defeat of the at Malplaquet, 341.
chosen leader in the Hungarian revolution,
he retires to Presburg, 253.
compelled to sue for peace, 268.
GELHEIM, battle of, 37.
GALLAS appointed commander in place of Wallenstein, 268.
GENOA, aid furnished Leopold by, 311.
its conglomeration of States, 18.
independence of each State of, 18.
position of the Emperor of, 19.
decline of the imperial dignity of, 85.
its division into ten districts, 101.
growing independence in of the pope, 162.
tranquillity of under Ferdinand, 172.
rejoicing in at the downfall of Rhodolph,
divided into two leagues, 253.
distracted state of, 299.
religious agitation in, 370.
the Elector of Bavaria chosen Emperor
of, 434.
GERTRUDE (of Hohenburg),
marriage of to Rhodolph of Hapsburg, 19.
her dowry, 19.
GHIARADADDA to be bestowed on Venice, 89.
GIBRALTAR taken by the English, 339.
GOLDEN FLEECE, establishment of the order of the, 372.
GRAN, capture of the fortress at, 324.
siege of, 307.
the Turks retain, 313.
GRENADER, the plot at, 92.
GRIEVANCES complained of by the confederacy at Heilbrun, 192.
GUICCIARDINI, remark of Charles V. about, 144.
GUNPOWDER, its introduction, 82.
GUNTZ, triumphant resistance of the fortress of, 150.
GUSTAVUS YASA (King of Sweden),
league with against Charles V., 127.
rouses the country against Ferdinand II.,
assembles a fleet at Elfsnaben, 281.
Stettin captured by, 281.
Mark of Brandenburg taken possession of
by, 281.
conquers at the battle of Leipsic, 285.
his tranquil campaign, 286.
his intrenchment at Nuremberg, 290.
his attack on Wallenstein, 293.
his death, 293.
relics of, 295.
HANAU, conference at, 445.