DOCTRINE of the three parties, 190.
ancient and modern, contention about shadowy
points of, 255.
DRESDEN, treaty of, 458.
ERNEST, death of, 202.
ELEONORA (wife of Leopold), her character, 335.
marriage of, 336.
her death, 337.
ELFSNABEN, a fleet assembled at by Gustavus Adolphus, 281,
ELIZABETH (wife of Philip V.), ambition of, 371.
demands of on Charles VI., 372.
ELIZABETH (of Russia), death of, 479.
EMERIO TEKELI invested with the Hungarian forces, 319.
ENGLAND, assistance of against the Turks, 94.
supports the house of Austria against
France, 332.
curious contradictory conduct of, 346.
pledge of to support the Pragmatic Sanction,
supports Austria to check France, 428.
determines to support Maria Theresa, 436.
prodigality of, 447.
war declared against by France, 448.
purchases the aid of Poland, 452.
private arrangement of with Prussia, 457.
remonstrated with for its treatment of
the queen, 463.
alliance of with Prussia, 466.
a subsidy voted Prussia by, 475.
alarmed at the strides of Austria and
Russia, 499.
EPERIES, tribunal at, 324.
ERNEST, conquests of, 59.
EUGENE (Prince) commands the Austrian army, 332.
his heroic capture of Belgrade, 363.
his disapproval of the war, 389.
death of, 398.
funeral honors of. 399.
EUROPE, condition of the different powers of, 269.
EXCOMMUNICATION of the Venetians, 97.
FAMILY of Rhodolph, 25.
the three daughters of the imperial, 364.
FERDINAND (of Austria) invested with the government
of the Austrian
States, 113.
determines to arrest Protestantism, 114.
assumes some impartiality, 116.
chosen King of the Romans, 120.
Bohemia and Hungary added to his kingdom,
demands the restitution of Belgrade, 146.
his siege of Buda, 153.
tribute of to the Turks, 153.
his attempts to weaken the power of the
Hungarian nobles, 155.
conditions of his pardon of the Hungarian
nobles, 157.
his punishment of the revolters, 158.
his establishment of the Jesuits in Bohemia,
his inconsistencies, 158.
obtains the crown of Germany, 161.
opposed by the pope, 162.
elected Emperor of Germany, 233.
character of, 234.
rich spoils of, 273.
he assembles a diet at Eatisbon, 275.
perplexity of in regard to the demands
of the diet, 277.
FERDINAND (King of Arragon) furnishes supplies for
the war against the
Venetians, 95.
FERDINAND (of Naples), flight of to Ischia, 85.
FERDINAND (King of the Romans)
crowned at Ratisbon, 302.
his death, 302.
illustrious birth of, 145.
marriage of, 145.
efforts of to unite Protestants and Catholics,
attempts of to prevent the spread of Protestantism,
the founder of the Austrian empire, 168.
death of, 168.