BELLEISLE (General), heroic retreat of, 441.
BLENHEIM, massacre at, 334.
BLOODY diet, the, 158.
theater of Eperies, 325.
BOHEMIA, triumphal march of Rhodolph into, 30.
the crown of demanded by Albert I., 39.
revolt in, 89.
rise of the nobles of against Ferdinand,
the monarchy of, 154.
religious conflicts in, 155.
resistance of to Ferdinand, 156.
symptoms of the decay of, 160.
Ferdinand’s blow at, 263.
severity of Ferdinand towards, 270.
son of Ferdinand crowned king of, 271.
change of prosperity of during reign of
Ferdinand II., 272.
rise of the Protestants in, 286.
the Elector of Bavaria crowned king of,
the Prussians driven from, 450.
(King of), chosen Emperor of Germany,
BRANDENBURG, reply of the Marquis of to Charles V., 118.
BRITISH MINISTER, letter of the in regard to Maria
Theresa, 295.
letter of the in regard to the affairs
in Hungary, 416.
BRUNAU, the Protestant church of, 235.
BRUNSWICK, marriage of Charles VI. to Elizabeth Christina of, 164.
BRUSSELS, diet at, 139.
BUDA taken by the Turks, 147.
BULL (see Pope).
BURGHERS prevented from attending Protestant worship, 188.
BURGUNDY (Duke of), ambition of the, 77.
BURGUNDY (Mary of), marriage of by proxy, 79.
death of, 79.
CAESAR BORGIA, plans for, 89.
CALENDAR, the Julian and Gregorian, 192.
CAMPEGIO, a legate from the Pope to, 114.
CAPISTRUN, JOHN, rousing eloquence of, 69.
CARDINAL KLESES, counselor to the king, 241.
abduction of, 242.
CARINTHIA, dukedom of, 48.
CARLOS crowned as Charles III., 388.
CARLOVITZ, treaty of, 326.
CASSAU captured by Botskoi, 198.
CASTLE (Hawk’s), situation of, 17.
(Oeltingen), the dowry of Gertrude of
Hohenburg, 19.
CATHARINE II. ascends the throne of Russia, 480.
cooperates with Austria. 481.
desire of to acquire Constantinople, 495.
grand excursion of, 496.
places Count Poniatowski on the throne
of Poland, 484.
CATHERINE BORA, marriage of to Luther, 114.
CHANCELLOR OF SAXONY, reading of the Confession of
Augsburg by, 118.
reply of to the emperor, 118.
CHARLES OF BOHEMIA, succession of to the kingdom of
Austria, 47.
death of, 47.
CHARLES EMANUEL (King of Sardinia) character of, 386.
CHARLES GUSTAVUS succeeds Christina, Queen of Sweden,
his invasion of Poland, 303.
energy of, 305.
CHARLES (Prince), defeat of by Frederic, 254.
CHARLES (Prince of Lorraine) marriage of, 447.
CHARLES II., the throne of Spain held by, 328.
sends embassage to the pope, 329.
induced to bequeath the crown to France,
death of, 331.