Nor is any change introduced as regards the three outpourings from the LOGOS, and the marvellous facility with which the matter of the various planes is by them moulded into forms for the service of the evolving life. But if we wish to have a right view of the realities underlying manifestation in this universe, we must to a considerable extent reverse the ordinary conception as to what this matter essentially is. Instead of thinking of its ultimate constituents as solid specks floating in a void, we must realise that it is the apparent void itself which is solid, and that the specks are but bubbles on it. That fact once grasped, all the rest remains as before. The relative position of what we have hitherto called matter and force is still for us the same as ever; it is only that, on closer examination, both of these conceptions prove to be variants of force, the one ensouling combinations of the other, and the real “matter,” koilon, is seen to be something which has hitherto been altogether outside our scheme of thought.
In view of this marvellous distribution of Himself in “space,” the familiar concept of the “sacrifice of the LOGOS” takes on a new depth and splendour; this is His “dying in matter,” His “perpetual sacrifice,” and it may be the very glory of the LOGOS that He can sacrifice Himself to the uttermost by thus permeating and making Himself one with that portion of koilon which He chooses as the field of His universe.
What koilon is, what its origin, whether it is itself changed by the Divine Breath which is poured into it—does “Dark Space” thus become “Bright Space” at the beginning of a manifestation?—these are questions to which we cannot at present even indicate answers. Perchance an intelligent study of the great Scriptures of the world may yield replies.
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[1] See footnote in next Chapter.
[2] The drawings of the elements were done by two Theosophical artists, Herr Hecker and Mrs. Kirby, whom we sincerely thank; the diagrams, showing the details of the construction of each “element,” we owe to the most painstaking labour of Mr. Jinarajadasa, without whose aid it would have been impossible for us to have presented clearly and definitely the complicated arrangements by which the chemical elements are built up. We have also to thank him for a number of most useful notes, implying much careful research, which are incorporated in the present series, and without which we could not have written these papers.
[3] The atomic sub-plane.
[4] The astral plane.
[5] Known to Theosophists as Fohat, the force of which all the physical plane forces—electricities—are differentiations.
[6] When Fohat “digs holes in space.”
[7] The first life-wave, the work of the third Logos.
[8] A maya, truly.
[9] By a certain action of the will, known to students, it is possible to make such a space by pressing back and walling off the matter of space.