[Footnote ii: Spirits and angels have respiration, nos. 3884, 3885, 3891, 3893.]
88. I was informed that the spirits of Mars in the Grand Man have relation to the medium between the Intellectual and the Voluntary, consequently to THOUGHT FROM AFFECTION, and the best of them to THE AFFECTION OF THOUGHT; hence it is that their face acts in unity with their thought, and that they cannot simulate in the presence of anyone. And as this is their relation in the Grand Man, the middle province, which is between the cerebrum and the cerebellum, corresponds to them; for with those in whom the cerebrum and the cerebellum are conjoined as to spiritual operations, the face acts in unity with the thought, so that the very affection of the thought shines forth from the face, and the general [character] of the thought from the affection, and also from certain signs that show themselves in the eyes. Wherefore, while they were with me, I sensibly apperceived a drawing back of the anterior part of the head towards the hinder part, thus of the cerebrum towards the cerebellum[kk].
[Footnote kk: Human faces on our Earth in ancient times received influx from the cerebellum, and then the face acted in unity with the interior affections of the man; but afterwards they received influx from the cerebrum when man began to simulate and counterfeit by the face affections not his own. Concerning the changes thereby occasioned to the face in course of time, see nos. 4325-4328.]
89. On one occasion when spirits of Mars were with me, and occupied the sphere of my mind, spirits from our Earth came and desired to intrude themselves also into that sphere; but the spirits of our Earth became as if insane: this was caused by their being quite out of harmony; for the spirits of our Earth in the Grand Man have relation to the external sense, and consequently these spirits were in idea turned towards the world and towards self, while the spirits of Mars were in idea turned from self to heaven and the neighbour; hence the contrariety. But some angelic spirits of Mars then approached, and on their coming the communication was taken away, and so the spirits of our Earth departed.