Earths In Our Solar System Which Are Called Planets, and Earths In The Starry Heaven Their Inhabitants, And The Spirits And Angels There eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 168 pages of information about Earths In Our Solar System Which Are Called Planets, and Earths In The Starry Heaven Their Inhabitants, And The Spirits And Angels There.

Earths In Our Solar System Which Are Called Planets, and Earths In The Starry Heaven Their Inhabitants, And The Spirits And Angels There eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 168 pages of information about Earths In Our Solar System Which Are Called Planets, and Earths In The Starry Heaven Their Inhabitants, And The Spirits And Angels There.
allowed to speak one way and think another.  There, also, the variance is clearly perceived in each single expression, and when it is perceived, the spirit in whom there is such variance is expelled from society, and punished.  He is afterwards by various methods brought to speak as he thinks, and to think as he wills, until his mind is one, and not divided.  If he is good, he is brought to will good, and to think and speak the truth from good; and if he is evil, he is brought to will evil, and to think and speak falsity from evil.  Until this is effected, a good spirit is not raised into heaven, nor an evil one cast into hell:  and the object of this is, that in hell there may be nothing but evil and the falsity of evil, and in heaven nothing but good and the truth of good.

[Footnote z:  The Most Ancient people on this Earth spoke by the face and lips by means of internal respiration, nos. 607, 1118, 7361.  The inhabitants of some other earths have a similar speech, nos. 4799, 7359, 8248, 10587.  Concerning the perfection and excellence of that speech, nos. 7360, 10587, 10708.]

55.  The spirits who were from that earth informed me about various other particulars relating to its inhabitants, as, about their gait, their food, and their dwellings.  With respect to their gait, they do not walk erect like the inhabitants of this and of many other earths, nor do they creep like animals, but as they advance they assist themselves with their hands, and alternately half raise themselves on their feet, and at every third step they face about sideways and behind them, and at the same time also bend the body a little, which is done quickly; for among them it is [considered] unbecoming to be looked at by others except in the face.  While walking in this manner they always keep the face raised as we do, so that they may look at the heaven as well as at the earth.  They do not hold it down so as to look at the earth; this they call accursed.  The basest among them do so; but if they do not get accustomed to raise the face, they are expelled from their society.  When, however, they sit, they appear, like the men of our Earth, erect as to the upper part of the body, but they sit with the feet crossed.  They are extremely cautious, not only when they walk, but also when they sit, not to be seen behind, but in the face.  They also gladly desire that their face should be seen, because their mind appears from it, for they never show a face at variance with the mind, nor have they the power to do so.  Those who are present, therefore, see clearly what is their disposition towards them—­which indeed they do not conceal—­especially whether their apparent friendliness is sincere or forced.  These facts were made known to me by their spirits, and confirmed by their angels.  For the above reason also, their spirits are seen, not like others, to walk erect; but almost like swimmers, to assist their progress with their hands, and by turns to look around.

Project Gutenberg
Earths In Our Solar System Which Are Called Planets, and Earths In The Starry Heaven Their Inhabitants, And The Spirits And Angels There from Project Gutenberg. Public domain.