could so madly rush upon the sharp theological spears
of their own beloved clergymen. Dismay, or doubt,
or apprehension of any kind, were altogether out of
the question, as was evident from the proud look,
the elated eye, and the confident demeanor by which
each of them might be distinguished. Here and
there, you might notice an able-bodied, coarse-faced
Methodist Preacher, with lips like sausages, sombre
visage, closely cropped hair, trimmed across his face,
sighing from time to time, and, with eyes half closed,
offering up a silent prayer for victory over the Scarlet
Lady; or, perhaps, thinking of the fat ham and chicken,
that were to constitute that day’s dinner, as
was not improbable, if the natural meaning were to
be attached to the savory spirit with which, from
time to time, he licked, or rather sucked at, his
own lips. He and his class, many of whom, however,
are excellent men, sat at a distance from the platform,
not presuming to mingle with persons who consider
them as having no title to the clerical character,
except such as they conveniently bestow on each other.
Not so the Presbyterian Clergymen who were present.
They mingled with their brethren of the Establishment,
from whom they differed only in a less easy and gentlemanly
deportment, but yielded to them neither in kindness
of intellect, firmness, nor the cool adroitness of
men well read, and quite as well experienced in public
speaking. At the skirt of the platform sat the
unassuming Mr. Clement, a calm spectator of the proceedings;
and in the capacity of messenger appeared. Darby
O’Drive, dressed in black—he had
not yet entered upon the duties of his new office—busily
engaged in bringing in, and distributing oranges and
other cooling fruit, to those of the Protestant party
who were to address the meeting. High aloft,
in the most conspicuous situation on the platform,
sat Solomon M’Slime, breathing of piety, purity,
and humility. He held a gilt Bible in his hands,
in order to follow the parties in their scriptural
quotations, and to satisfy himself of their accuracy,
as well as that he might fall upon some blessed text,
capable of enlarging his privileges. There was
in his countenance a serene happiness, a sweet benignity,
a radiance of divine triumph, partly arising from
the consciousness of his own inward state, and partly
from the glorious development of scriptural truth which
would soon be witnessed, to the utter discomfiture
of Popery and the Man of Sin. For some time before
the business of the day commenced, each party was
busily engaged in private conferences; in marking passages
for reference, arranging notes, and fixing piles of
books in the most convenient position. Mr. Lucre
was in full pomp, exceedingly busy, directing, assisting,
and tending their wants, with a proud courtesy, and
a suavity of manner, which no man could better assume.
The deportment and manners of the Roman Catholic clergy
were strongly marked, and exceedingly well defined;
especially in determination of character and vigor