* Imput—a
douceur—or, in other words, a bribe to the
agent, on entering upon
a farm.
“He engaged me, and my horse and car,” said another, “and Toal Hart with his, in the same way; to draw stones from Kilrud-den; and he said that whatever we earned he’d allow us in the rint. Of coorse we were glad to bounce at it; and, indeed, he made us both believe that it was a favor he did us. So far so good; but when the rint day came, hell purshue the testher he’d allow either of us; but threatened and abused us, callin’ us names till the dogs wouldn’t lick our blood. The Lord conshume him for a netarnal villain!”
“That’s all very well, but yait till you hear how he sarved me out,” said a poor, simple-looking creature. “It was at the gale day before the last, that I went to him wid my six guineas of rint. ‘Paddy Hanlon,’ says he, ‘I’m glad to see you; an’, Paddy, I’ve something in my eye for you; but don’t be spakin’ of it. Is that the rent?—hand it to me—an’, Paddy, as this is Hurry Day with me—do like a good decent man, call down on Saturday about twelve o’clock, and I’ll give you your receipt, and mention the other thing.’ By coorse I went highly delighted; but the receipt he gave me was a notice to pay the same gale over agin, tellin’ me besides, that of all the complatest rascals ever came acrass him I was the greatest; that he’d banish me off the estate and what not! Accordingly, I had to pay the same rint twiste. Now will any one tell me how that man can prosper by robbin’ and oppressin the poor in this way? Hell scorch him!”
The next that rose was a tall, thin-looking man, with much care and sorrow in his face. “Many a happy day,” he said, “did I and mine spend under this roof; and now we may say that we hardly have a roof to cover us. Myself, and my wife, hould a cabin on’ the estate of Major Richardson. My sons and daughters, instead of living comfortably at home with us, are now scattered abroad, earnin’ their hard bread on other people’s floors. And why? Because the Vulture’s profligate son couldn’t succeed in ruinin’ one of my daughters; and because her brother ’Tom tould him that if ever he catched him comin’ about the place again, or annoyin’ his sisther, he’d split him with a spade. Afther that, they were both very friendly—father and son—and when I brought my half-year’s rent—’never mind now,’ said they, ’bring it home, Andy; maybe you may want