Valentine M'Clutchy, The Irish Agent eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 786 pages of information about Valentine M'Clutchy, The Irish Agent.

Valentine M'Clutchy, The Irish Agent eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 786 pages of information about Valentine M'Clutchy, The Irish Agent.

Father Roche now began to see that he must argue with their passions—­or with that strong affection for their sister, upon which these fearful passions were founded—­rather than with their reason or their prejudices, which, in point of fact were now immovably set in the dark determination of crime.

“Do you forget,” he added, “that there are laws in the country to pursue and overtake the murderer?  Do you forget that you will die an ignominious death, and that, instead of acting an honorable part in life, as becomes your ancient and noble name, you will bequeath nothing to your parents but an inheritance of shame and infamy?”

“We have thought of all this before,” said John.

“No, not all,” said the youngest; “not all, but nearly.”

“Well, nearly,” said the other.

“Then,” said the priest, “you will not hesitate to renounce your most foul and diabolical intention?”

“We have sworn it,” said John, “and it must be done.”  To this the others calmly assented.

“Well, then,” said the earnest Christian, “since you fear neither disgrace, nor shame, nor the force of human laws, nor the dread of human punishment, you are not so hardened as to bid defiance to the Almighty, by whom you will be judged.  Has he not said, ’thou shalt do no murder? and that whoso sheddeth blood, by man shall his blood be shed.’  I now ask you,” said he, “as one of the humblest of his accredited messengers, do you believe in God and fear him?”

“We are sworn,” said John; “the blood of him who has dishonored our sister’s name we will shed, and it is neither priest nor parent who will or shall prevent us.”

“Is not a rash and unlawful oath a crime?” said Father Roche:  “yes, and you know it is better broken than kept.  I call upon you now, as your spiritual guide, to renounce that blasphemous oath of blood, and in the name of the Almighty and all powerful God, I command you to do it.”

“We deny your right to interfere,” replied John, “we are not now at confession—­keep within your limits; for as sure as there is death and Judgment, so sure as we will fulfil our oath in avenging the disgrace of our sister.  That ends all, and we will speak no more.”

The good old man began to fear that he should be put to the most painful necessity of lodging informations before a magistrate, and thus become the means of bringing’ disgrace and evil upon the family when it occurred to him to ask them a last question.

“My dear young men,” said he, “I have forgotten, in the agitation of mind occasioned by the unprecedented disclosure of your evil and wilful intentions, to ask, if you so far renounce God as to refuse to worship him.  Kneel down, and let us pray.”  He himself and their father knelt, but the three brothers stood as sullen and immovable as before.  Tho priest uttered a short prayer, but their conduct so completely perplexed and shocked him, that he rose up, and with tears in his eyes, exclaimed—­

Project Gutenberg
Valentine M'Clutchy, The Irish Agent from Project Gutenberg. Public domain.