Mantegazza, colour theory of, i. 299
Marchant, James, ii. 100;
and the Wallace memorial, ii. 253;
letter from Bishop Ryle to, 254
“Mars,” Wallace’s, ii. 122, 172-3, 175-7
“—— and its Canals,” Lowell’s, ii. 172, 175-7
Marshall, Mr. J.W., ii. 53, 209, 226
—— Dr. W., i. 279
Martineau, James, Darwin on Spencer’s reply to, i. 272
“Material for Study of Variation,” Bateson’s, ii. 60-1
“Materialism of the Present Day,” Janet’s, i. 170, 172, 173, 175
Maternal impressions, ii. 57-8
Matthew, P., anticipates theory of Natural Selection, i. 116, 142
Maw, Mr., reviews “Origin of Species,” i. 144
Melastoma, i. 150, 151
Meldola, Prof. Raphael, lecture on Evolution
by, i. 123;
death of, ii. 35;
criticism of Romanes’ theory, 36;
on importance of “divergence,”
President of Entomological Society, 63;
reminiscences of Wallace, 226;
at Wallace’s funeral, 252;
and the Abbey memorial, 253
Mendelism, ii. 84;
Dr. Archdall Reid’s view of, 85;
and Evolution, Wallace on, 93
Menura superba, i. 183 (note)
Mesmerism, Wallace and, i. 24, ii. 182
Meyer, Dr. Adolf Bernhard, i. 248, 249
Mias, i. 53, 56, 57, ii. 30
Mill, John Stuart, invites Wallace to join Land Tenure
Association, ii. 143
Mill’s “Siege of the South Pole,” ii. 82
Miller, Mr. Ben R., letter to, ii. 98
Mimetic butterflies, i. 167, 168, 176, 178, 179, 189
(note), 200,
213, 217, 224, 254, 300
“Mimicry, and Other Protective Resemblances,” Wallace’s, ii. 6, 8, 25
“—— and Protective Colouring,” Wallace’s, i. 179, 187
—— Bates’s theory of, i. 225
—— Darwin on, i. 316
——, Wallace on, i. 167 (note), 168-9, 176
Miocene Period, i. 294, 308, 309, 312
“Miracles and Modern Spiritualism,” Wallace’s, ii. 11, 178, 183
Missionaries, Wallace’s and Darwin’s impressions
of, compared, i. 36-8;
Wallace on, 47, 50, 62-3
Mitten, Miss, ii. 252
—— Mr. William, ii. 35, 253
Mivart, St. G., controversy with Mr. G. Darwin, i.
his “Genesis of Species,”
257-8, 264, 265-7, ii. 31
Moluccas, birds of, ii. 3
Monistic theory, ii. 177
Monkeys, influence of, on distribution of pigeons
and parrots,
i. 166 (note), 167
Monopoly and free trade, Wallace on, ii. 152
“More Letters,” i. 127, 195, 288 (note), 312 (note)
Morgan, Prof. Lloyd, Wallace on, ii. 67, 68
—— T.H., “Evolution and Adaptation,” ii. 79
Morley, Mr. John (Lord), correspondence with, ii. 159
Morton, Dr., on American race problem, ii. 28
Moths, Jenner Weir’s observations on, i. 179